donderdag 31 januari 2019


Madness is increasing on a global scale. The first banker to earn over a billion a year works at a Rothschild bank. Of course this is ridiculous, but wealth and security will melt away in the coming Age. It is a diversion, something to talk about. Much more dangerous is the continuous infection of the mind-frame of the young.
Recent movies and video-games program children and youngsters, with dramatic effects.
Situations, actions, stunts and atrocities are mimicked and re-played, to be made public and gain some attention. This goes far beyond “a Catcher in the Rye”, this is a global phenomenon, which ends in eschatological drama.
Live fast, die young.
The tactics of Isis are based on computer-wargames.
But there is more.
More future values are promoted. No, I am not talking about smoking, nor about sex in a general sense.
Quite recently, I watch a fantasy-movie, which name I have forgotten. But that does not matter, it is all the same, anyway.
The opening scene: a treeless and mountanous landsape. A village, medieval scenery, awakening, herding cattle and children playing with their pet-goat. Almost idyllic.
A change of music. In the distance a group of riders is approaching.
A sudden change of atmosphere; people start running, goods are collected and cattle is driven out of the village.
When the horsemen arrive, they start killing the villagers.
A moment of Focus: 2 of the looters enter a house. One of them sees a young girl, graps her, nails her to the wall with his sword and rapes her. When he is finished, he withdraws his sword and the live-less girl falls to the ground.
You can have her if you want.”, he says to his comrade.

To all. I am the Last Prophet and I speak the truth.
Those who realise this horror and present it as entertainment, who distribute and earn money from this, in anyway, will be punished accordingly.
They will live in a world according to their imagination. 

  Under siege: Vikings attack a village in the 2007 film Pathfinder

notes 10 december, 2015

USA: The 56th mass-shooting took place in San Bernardino. The arms-race in the USA goes on.
Better get used to it. Nobody wants to die. So they say.
Everybody is innocent, everybody is guilty. When you kill 42 Pakistani with one suicide-bomber, you gain 41 points. Jihadi-calculus. 1 Billion to go. With the jihadist-soldier (f/m) – global recruiting-grounds a winnable strategy. As long a your (young) soldiers are willing to die, to gain global supremacy, Its comparable to the spirit of the Nazi-divisions that marched into Russia. They met a highly motivated enemy. Are the Allied (Nato – Otan) Forces. The Kurds are, so is Isis. This latter group created the Islamic Caliphate and the current Kalif, preached, in broad daylight, at tne Great Mosque of Mosul. Fundamentalists are, from birth, programmed to listen and obey his orders.
Figures about the period till 2012 show, that 75% of terrost activities happen between muslims, 25% (about 500 incidents in 2012) of the incidents took place between muslims and “kafir” (infidels).
Untill now, the conflict is small compared to the genocide, the terror and destruction on a religious basis/bias, during the Arab and Turkish Empires. Jews and Christians were expelled, isolated and murdered. The Ottomans deported the Armenians not too long ago, with a desastrous but predictable effect. There is no brotherhood of Abraham, there never has been. 

 People are brought out of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School after a shooting on February 14th, 2018, in Parkland, Florida.


Master: “ Over 1400 names of people are mentioned in the bible, only 111 are names of women. In this way this Holy book, does not differ from other documents or pamplets from around Jesus' time. Women play a role as founders of dynasties, but did not play a role in warfare, religion, economics or cultural affairs. There were exceptions of course, Mohammeds wife f.i. or Cleopatra, but the Qu'ran or the New Testament are strict male products.
The legitimization of this global trend is found in the same books!
Of course in the New Testament Anna or Mary are christian icons, worth to be followed. But de role and position of women is defined by other episodes in the Bible.
Eve, Adam's second wife after the Lilith-fiasco, was seduced by Satan to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God had strictly forbidden.
Adam follows her example and the couple is thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Gods punishment for Eve: to obey and to serve, her husband f.i. or authorities. Woman cannot be trusted and are the source of all evil and decay. The Bible mentions several of these wicked “scarlet women”.
Jezebel, who introduced pagan rituals to Jeruzalem and tried to kill the prophet Elya. Delilah, who brought the Hebrew price-fighter Samson down or Salome, who wanted the head of John the Baptist on a plate.
Mary Magdalene, mentioned in the Gospels, was a former prostitute, forgiven by the Messias, whom she followed untill his death on the cross. Mary Magdalen was the first to see the resurrected Christ.
The Bible is a work in progress. In recent years, to start in 1947 with the discovery of the Dead-sea scrolls, several gospels and manuscripts are discovered. Many totally unknown among scolars and theologians. One is the gospel of Mary Magdalene.
The scroll-fragments were a sensation. Not only did they describe Mary as a close, maybe even the closest, disciple of Jesus, who was envied by Peter and even kissed Jesus Christ. On his hand, forehead or his mouth? The scroll is damaged at that spot. Some even suggest that Mary Magdelene carried and gave birth to Jesus' child.
Remains just one question. Was Mary Magdalene black?


Student: “Master, yesterday a Jew was stabbed in Jerusalem. this morning the same thing happened again on the Temple Mount. This type of attack by Palestinians is increasing. The tensions in the Holy City and IsraĆ«l are rising. Neighbouring countries are in flames and militia and suicide-killers reign the land.”

Master” It will be a time of war and rumors of war. Jerusalem will be a cup of trembling.
It always was. Lots of wars happened, before people wrote about them. When the Israelites returned to the Holy Land, they started a war of annihilation and destruction of the giants, who occupied the lands, the Philistines, warriors who blocked a direct Exodus into the Promised Land and Kanaanite tribes, living in cities like Sodom, Jericho, Petra (giants) and Jerusalem, the Navel of the world.
The Jewish ethnically and ethically cleansed the Holy Land and David made Jerusalem the capital of the first Jewish Kingdom.”

Student: “The Bible stated, that God, the one and only Jahweh, gave the lands to the Israelites. For ever and Israel has a Holy Right to live, exist and pray there.”

Master: “The same goes for Muslims, Christians, buddhists and many other sects and churches.
Mysterious places, caves and Biblical references and Muslim-tradition are everywhere. The city is very, very old and the roots go far back; even before the Empire of Atlantis. It should be a place of peace, tolerance, meditation and learning. A new “Alexandrian-library.”

Student: “Thank you, Master”

he was worshipped by his followers, as the Son of God

Maria Magdalena
The most important Mary in the Bible, is Mary, mother of God. Her presence and adoration among the Christian-believers has been growing over the centuries and culminated in many apparitions (Lourdes and Fatima in Portugal) and special worship within the papal church. Popes visit mass-meetings in Poland, to worship and revive the “Black Madonna”.
Some protestant bible-extremist see in Mary, the manifestation of “the Whore of Babylon”, the wicked one. A dark and evil power, described in Revelation, which will show itself, in the End of Days, during the Apocalyps. Mary-worship is a tool of the devil, as tne New Age movement is; an ingenous deception. Mary is mentioned in the Qu'ran, as is Jesus.
Number 2 in the list of Mary's is Mary Magdalene. For ages, she was portrayed as a converted prostitute. Who was struck by Jesus' words and followed the Messiah untill his death. She was the only follower of Christ present at his death at the cross, all the others, including Peter and the other disciples fled and sought shelter in Jerusalem.
Mary Magdalene was the first, who met the resurrected Jesus Christ and warned the others. This makes her an important “player” in the life and death of the son of God and the following events.
In recent years much relevant material fitting in the Biblical time-line was found in Israel and Egypt (Dead Sea scrolls. Naq Hamady-library (Egypt); archeological excavations enriched our insight in the context in which the Bible came to be.
In this spirutal “learning-proces” Mary Magdelene even a gospel named after Her, was found.
This completely changed the picture. Mary Magdalene was one of the most loved disciples of Christ. Jesus saw her potential and became quite intimate with Mary and introduced her to the Lord. This made Peter, an anti-feminist, very jealous. Jesus even kissed her; on the mouth? The word used is, unfortunately is completely burnt away!
In the 21st century Mary Magdelene has a central place, especially with modern, female theologians.
According to them, Mary Magdelene was carrying a child, the child of Jesus. She fled to Egypt, where Sarah (Hebrew for Princess) was born and lived till she was 12. Probably Egypt became to dangerous and she has to flee. Sarah's and Mary Magdalene's stories remarkedly resemble the tales of Mary and Jesus. With this big difference, Mary Magdalene and her precious child left the area. In a boat Mary, Sarah and their entourage, drifted, they had no oars, and landed in the south of France. The Lord had shown them the way and so it was here that Sarah grew up and Mary Magdalene was buried in France. Mary Magdalene has been a favourite saint in France since their arrival around 50 ad.
From here the story mystifies and seems to step out of our classical paradigms.
Sarah, or her children, married into the Merovingian royalty. They were the first kings and queens of France. Merovingian kings had healing hands and other superhuman qualities. This dynasty, that fell and was resplaced by the Carolingians (Charlemagne a.o.), who drove back the Spanish Moors, contained, from Sarah onwards, the bloodline of Christ, the Holy Grail (Sang Real, Holy Blood).
This is quite the opposite from the classical description; the Holy Grail being the cup, Jesus drank his wine from at the Last Supper and which was chased by the knights of King Arthur. Some churches pretend to possess one.
The Priory of Sion was created to protect this bloodline and it functions to this day, as “novelised” in the “Da Vinci Code”.
This could mean, that a direct descendant (m/f, even twins) of Jesus walks this Earth. The Lord will not descend from the sky, for his 2nd Coming, but could knock on your door.
Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been the Grandmaster of the Priory of Sion. Did he leave a message on one of his masterpieces?
Leonardo depicted the Last Supper. Recent interpretations declare the person on Jesus' right hand is not a male apostle, but Mary Magdalene.
Secondly: the Cup of Christ is missing on the fresco. Leonardo left the cup out. No material Holy Grail painted near his hand.

woensdag 30 januari 2019


Master: “ I would like to continue on your remark about the stabbings on the Temple Mount. True believers surrender themselves to a higher goal. By killing as many infidels as possible a suicide-bomber becomes a martyr and will find his way to heaven. But he is also part of a macabre calculation. 1 Martyr means the death of, on an average, 40 to 50 infidels. If this jihad goes global, and that is what the Muslim-Masterminds plan to do, victory will become inevitable even if the enemy fights till the end or hides behind walls of steel. A World Caliphate, sharia law and Muslim customs and tradition will become the global rule.”


maandag 28 januari 2019

TV Ads Telegraphing The Beast Rising In Plain Sight



Student: “Master, I would like to show you some moves. I learned at the martial artss-class.”

Master: “Of course, show me.”

Student: “What did I make of it, Master. How did perform?”

Master: “You looked vulnerable and insecure.”

Student: “Enllghten me Master, what did I do wrong?”

Master: “You forgot the first rule of the battlefield: always look your opponents in the eye. You were mirror-dancing. You only had eyes for yourself.”

Student: “Thank you, Master.”

Sex3 703x422

SiTU Cursus 2e Wereldoorlog
De Middellandse Zee

Mare Nostrum”, onze zee, was de benaming, die de Romeinen gebruikten om de Middellandse zee aan te duiden. Het Romeinse Rijk omvatte, op het hoogtepunt, de kusten van Spanje, ItaliĆ«, Griekenland, Turkije, Palestina, Egypte en LibiĆ«.
Rome beheerste ook de handelsroutes en een constante stroom goederen (en mensen) naar Rome, het centrum van het Imperium.
Na het uiteenvallen van het Romeinse Rijk in de 5e eeuw, verdween ook het “Mare Nostrum” en namen andere machten de plaats in. De Islam slaagde er bijna in om een dergelijke “thuiszee” te realiseren. Hun legers werden pas in Zuid-Frankrijk en voor de poorten van Wenen terug geslagen.
In de 20e eeuw werd het begrip “Mare Nostrum” nieuw leven in geblazen door Benito Mussolini, de Italiaanse dictator. Hij verklaarde Frankrijk en Engeland de oorlog en viel vanuit LibiĆ«, Egypte (Engels) en TunesiĆ« (Frans) binnen. Al snel werden de Italianen in het defensief (vergelijkbaar met de inval in Griekenland) gedrongen.
In beide gevallen schoten de Duitsers te hulp. Ze drukten het Griekse verzet snel de kop in en veroverden zelfs Kreta. In 1942 leek een fascistisch “Mare Nostrum” dichtbij. Erwin Rommel stond bijkans in buitenwijken van Cairo en “Army-groop South” (Barbarossa) had de Kaukasus bereikt.
Het slagen of falen van de Afrikaanse campagne stond of viel met de bevoorrading van het Afrika-Korps. De Engelsen bleken in staat om het eiland Malta als uitvalsbasis voor hun marine (met name onderzeeers) te behouden. Met succes werden de konvooien tussen Italie en Noord-Afrika bestookt. Dit bracht Rommel's tanks, letterlijk, tot stilstand.

Rommel, Erwin


The state of Israel was reborn in 1948. So was I. It was also the year the march towards the Battle of Armageddon began. And I will witness it during my lifetime, so the Holy Book of the Christians prophesies.
There is also a real chance, that I, and my loved-ones, die a horrible death during the 7 years of Tribulation, leading to the final Battle. War, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, plagues and global flooding, will be the signs of the End of Times.
But human kind will ignore the signs and, seemingly willingly prepare the coming of the Antichrist, Satan in the flesh. This man, again, brings peace to Israel and the Middle-East.
Born in 1948 as well, he is an one-eyed, European male and well-educated. He has a Roman nose and lived in almost complete isolation for the last 25 years. He still works on the backgrounds, studying, plotting against “us”, training and preparing his forces.
Terrorist attacks rose from 1297 (2002), 3236 (2007), 11.999 (2012) to 16.818 in 2014. An explosive growth.
Still, the worst still has to come. The struggle in the Middle-East is just a training-ground. To create supersoldiers, test weapons, material, communication,cooperation and moral.
Next step will be the real 7-year tribulation,
Jesus' Return to save us, will manifest in 2022,
at the earliest.
This is good news. It means, that we have the same amount of time, to prepare for the final battle and the arrival of “the Word of God.”


The City of the lost Temple used to be a lot bigger in ancient times. This was almost completely forgotten. Still a lonely hill, dominated the town; the place of ancient worship and adoration. A Christian church was build in the year 777 with the wood of the sacred pagan oak-trees. In chopping down the monumental trees the missionaries showed how powerful their God was.
Mass-conversions followed, by the word or by the sword.
The church these proto-christians build, was named after Archangel Michael, we met as a golden statue near the Northern Gate. Canon-law allows only this dedication, when its situated on a hill; like Mont Saint-Michel in France.
Till the Reformation and the break-down of Catholicism in this ancient city, when Protestants confiscated catholic properties and wealth, the Michaelchurch was renamed “de Grote Kerk”, the Dom(e) of Almenum, the oldest part of our Temple-city. A name of Michael is only given to important religious monuments, churches and divine places.
Grote of Nieuwe Kerk (zuidzijde)

After the magical year 777, in which christianity took over a pagan site, the wooden church was burned en looted several times. In the 13th century a stone church was build. To give you an idea of trade in those ages, the stones came all the way from Germany. In around1777 (!) the 1000 year old church was demolished and rebuild as a Cross-church (seen from above, the architecture showed a cross.
The stone tower of the medieval church was fortunetaly safed from destruction. The architect of the new church demolished everything.Many burial monuments from famous Frisian admirals disappeared for hundreds of years.
But nothing stays hidden forever. Close to the famous “Zoutsloot” a few months ago, the tombstone of a functionary of the “Amirality”, used as building material was discovered. More will be found, when people dare to go underground and underwater, to reclaim their history.


World War 2 is overshadowing the first days of May every year. In the Netherlands this goes especially for the fourth and the fifth.

On the evening of the 4th the country mourns the dead and on the fifth we celebrate our regained freedom and democracy.

The dates are open for dispute.

Officialy the German Wehrmacht capitulated on the 7th of May to the Allies. Due to their timezone, the ceremony was held on the 8th. On the 9th of May the Russian celebrate their victory over Nazism with big parades.

The 4th and 5th of May refer to the Dutch situation at the end of the war. The south of Holland has been liberated. The Wehrmacht uses the rivers Rhine and Waal as their line of defense. During a winter of Hunger (44-45) the Dutch in the western provinces were starved to death. A warcrime of enormous proportions and to be compared with starvation of the Jews in the Warschau-gettho. But on a far bigger scale.

On the 5th the Allies start negotiations with the remaining Nazi-forces, who were cut of from the “Heimat”. Officialy a peace-treaty was reached on the 5th in a hotel in the town of Wageningen.

Seen from the perspective of military hierarchy the German commander did not have the competence or power to sign such an agreement. The treaty was not valid. On the 7th inhabitants of Amsterdam partied to celebrate their liberation.

German soldiers shot at them and several died. The war was not over, yet.

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SiTU Cursus 2e Wereldoorlog
Bevrijding en wraak
Toen de Russen in 1944 Auschwitz bevrijdden werden hun rapporten door de andere Geallieerden uitgelegd als Sovjet-propaganda. Pas toen de Britten Bergen-Belsen bereikten, werd het bestaan van de concentratiekampen onmiskenbaar en algemeen bekend. Hier voltrok zich de “Endlosung” van de Nazis, gericht op het elimineren van de Joden en andere onwelgevallige groepen. In het “Reich” waren er 200 kampen. De meesten leverden dwangarbeiders aan de Duitse oorlogsindustrie, er waren opvangkampen, als Westerbork en ook een aantal vernietigingskampen. In totaal zouden 6 miljoen Joden zijn gedood. Van de Russische krijgsgevangenen kwamen er meer dan 2,5 miljoen om. Voedsel en medische zorg werd hen onthouden en veel gevangenen stierven aan besmettelijke ziekten, als tyfus.
Auschwitz heeft 1,3 miljoen inwoners gekend (waaronder Anne Frank, die er overigens niet is overleden, waarvan er 1,1 miljoen omkwamen.
Na de bevrijding van Europa werd er jacht gemaakt op de daders (de SS-kampbezetting) om hen ter verantwoording te roepen. Soms lukte dat (de kampcommandant Hoess werd in Krakow opgehangen), anderen doken onder en bereikten uiteindelijk Zuid-Amerika (Mengele, “the Angel of Death”).


plane/ level of existence

In esoteric cosmology, a plane other than the physical plane is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe.

The concept may be found in religious and esoteric teachings—e.g. Vedanta (Advaita Vedanta), Ayyavazhi, shamanism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Kashmir Shaivism, Sant Mat/Surat Shabd Yoga, Sufism, Druze, Kabbalah, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Rosicrucianism (Esoteric Christian), Eckankar, Ascended Master Teachings, etc.—which propound the idea of a whole series of subtle planes or worlds or dimensions which, from a center, interpenetrate themselves and the physical planet in which we live, the solar systems, and all the physical structures of the universe. This interpenetration of planes culminates in the universe itself as a physical structured, dynamic and evolutive expression emanated through a series of steadily denser stages, becoming progressively more material and embodied.

SiTUations: Learning tools

It is essential to focus, even if you are multitasking. A simple exercise may help.

Concentrate on the situation your in.

Make a mental picture of it.

Analyse it: proportions, light, but especcially objects, “things”, stuff etc.

Count the stuff, you will give a second glance.

Analyse it: made off, function, color or worth.

Take a second step down into the pit.

How did the “thing” get here. Where grows it or make people this “stuff”. How long did the transport take, where did the objects come from; was it made by human hands, machine or robots. How many hands touched “it”, before you bought the thing or got is as a wedding-gift.

Do you need them? The books you own. Have you read them? What of the Bible? You have one, I am sure.

Start reading it slowly and carefully.

Give it a chance.


Laura has fled Amsterdam and followed a name, told to her by a stranger. It was the name of an ancient city, on the edge of the Kingdom and bordering the sea..By train and ship she travelled and arrived at the harbourtownin the early morning. Not knowing what to expect and having no place to go. She was startled and surprised, that a woman, dressed in black was waiting for her. “You were expected”, were her first words.

The railway station was build 150 years ago outside the old city. They passed several waterways and walked through scarcely lit alleys. If Laura had been alone, she would have stopped to inhale this mysterious atmosphere. But the woman in black went on, without saying anything. Suddenly the scenery completely changed and she looked at the contours of a large harbour, filled with classical and traditional ships. Though she saw no people. she heard the noices of people handling merchandise and preparing the ship for departure.
"We are almost there.", the woman in black said, while walking along. They walked across a bridge to the other side of the harbour, which was surrounded by late-medieval merchanthouses. In those days people showed off and most of the warehouses, hotels , restaurants and private building were beautifully decorated and plastered. Even in the dark the atmosphere was full of expectation for the day to come.
The road lead downward and they left the harbour behind her. Gone were the majestic buildings, she had admired just before. After a few minutes her guide went to the left and disappeared into a dark entrance. Laura followed her and entered a kind of plaza. Though scarcely lit she saw the trees, the beautiful garden, surrounded by table and empty chairs. It looked and smelled like some kind of restaurant.
They went upstairs, where she saw a row of appartments. A bit like a motel, but here you saw plants, beautiful paintings and lit sculptures. "I hope you don't mind.", her companion said, pointing a the number above the door. Laura smiled. "13 is my lucky number." "You can stay here for the night. Try to get some sleep. We will talk in the morning."
Suddenly Laura felt tired and she nodded. "Thanks for helping me." The woman opened the door to let her in. "Like I said, you were expected."


Today the Dutch celebrate “Koningsdag” an anarchistic festival the birthday of our King. What happens, apart from the festivals and ceremonies, is the transformation of the cities in colossal markets, where, intoxicated people, dressed in orange, hunt for bargains. Holland is a Freemarket. No taxes have to been pid. The Freemarket was meant for chcildren, selling second-hand clothes and toys, but soon other entrepeneurs entered the market, with textiles, straight from the factory, cheap East-European tools, electronic gadgets and plants. “Fake designer-goods” are on the cheap, so are Rolex-watches. The Dutch are a folk of traders and businessmen, who always go for the cheap and can bargain like hell. and on the Freemarket you can see the Dutch on their best. Huge profits were made on this day and terasses are full. Location is important for sales. In a big, central Dutch like Utrecht poor people are payed to claim and occupy certain sports for days and nights. He held up his Phone in the air to scan the place. Nothing unusual when someone entered a public place. Everybody was collecting data nowadays. All were filmed while filming or recorded while recording. And there were the big trans-national cooperations, securityfirms, the military, intelligencence and (local) government who gathered, sold and bought all the human data, where they could lay their hands on. 5G and RIFD-chips, who will be everywhere and in every human-handed object. A killing development, in many ways. Coen does not speak German or understands the language and people. Our visitors from the East don't speak English, Dutch or Frisian. “I have to proffessionalise, the Boss said.” Coen smiled. “I get German conservationlessons given by a local teacher. “Scheisse.Verdammter Scheisse!””. I smiled; “At least you talk some good Geman shit.”



Koning Aldgisl van Friesland, uit de "Chronique ofte Historische geschiedenisse van Frieslandt" van P. Winsemius. (foto: Wikimedia)


Koning van Friesland

Periode ca. 600 - 630

Opvolger eerst bekende Aldgillis

Audulf of Adolf, (Latijn: Audulfus) was een Friese koning in de tijd niet lang na de Grote volksverhuizing (omstreeks 600).

Sommige historici gaan ervan uit dat er in de eerste helft van de 7e eeuw een Friese koning heeft bestaan met de naam Audulf, welke naam is samengesteld uit de woorden edel/adel en wolf. Het grondgebied waarover deze koning heerste lag mogelijk in het centraal rivierengebied van Nederland of wellicht in noorden van het huidige Friesland. De geschreven bronnen geven geen informatie over deze vorst, maar er zijn wel gouden munten gevonden met “AVDVLFUS” en “FRISIA” erop vermeld. De munten zijn in Nederland gevonden in Escharen en in de omgeving van Arnhem. Ook zijn ze aangetroffen in Engeland. De munten dateert men tussen 600 en 630.

Het gebied van de Friezen bestond omstreeks 600 uit verschillende kleine politieke eenheden, elk met een eigen machtscentrum en koning. Opgravingen in Noord-Westergo hebben aangetoond dat er zo'n koninkrijk bestaan heeft in de huidige provincie Friesland. Begin 2006 werd in Wijnaldum een muntstempel gevonden van Audulf met vermelding van AUDULF FRISIA op de plek waar men al eerder naar een hal van een Friese koning had gezocht.

Overwinnaar van de Franken

Een andere bijzondere vondst die in verband met koning Audulf wordt gebracht is de goudschat van Wieuwerd. Deze goudschat bevatte een munt met het opschrift VICTVRIA AVDVLFO (= overwinning aan Audulfus). Dit zou erop kunnen wijzen dat deze geslagen is na het behalen van een belangrijke overwinning door deze koning. Als volk komen de Franken het meest in aanmerking voor tegenstander, omdat zij met de Friezen de heerschappij over de delta van de Rijn betwistten.


Opgravingen hebben aangetoond, dat er in Wynaldum een of meerdere goudsmeden werkzaam zijn geweest. Zo zijn er gouddruppels gevonden, die ontstaan tijdens het smeden en bewerken van goud. De aanwezigheid van een Fries hof, wordt hiermee ondersteund. Wellicht dat de beroemde fibula en onderdelen van de goudschat van Wieuwerd plaatselijk werden vervaardigd. In ieder geval bevat de schat een gouden munt, geslagen ter ere van Audulf.
Vroege 8e eeuw

FRIESE KONINGEN, een brokkelige dynastie

In de vijfde eeuw voor Christus leefde Finn Folcwada, een Friese vorst, die in Engelse en Deense bronnen voorkomt. Ook wordt hij genoemd in het Heldendicht BEOWULF.(6e7e eeuw). Daarna zouden Aldigisl, Redbad en Poppo over de Friese Zeelanden. Met meer of minder succes. Redbad veroverde Utrecht en brandde Keulen plat, zijn zoon Poppe werd in 734 definitief door de Franken verslagen. Het einde van het koninkrijk Frisia.

zondag 27 januari 2019

America in 2019 - The Truth May Scare You!

De legende van Tryntsje
In de afgelopen dagen leek de winter door te breken en kon er op sommige plekken geschaatst wworden.
Een van de eerste plekken waar geschaatst kon worden, was de Ryptjerksterpolder, tussen Leeuwarden en Tjietjerksteradeel....

Deze plek is mede byzonder door de legende van Tryntsje. Deze rijke boerenweduwe had zeven zonen: Gieke, Oene, Alde, Tiete, Wynse, Reade en Rypke.
Moeder Tryntsje schonk al haar zonen een eigen boerderij. De zonen bewerkten het land, bouwden huizen en kerken en werden de grondleggers van zeven dorpen, die zij naar zichzelf vernoemden.
Gytsjerk, Oentsjerk, Aldtsjerk, Tytsjerk, Wyns, Readtsjerk en Ryptsjerk.


vrijdag 25 januari 2019

Zomaar een straat in Harlingen
de Roepertsteeg (tussen Voorstraat en Noorderhaven)
Als we in de Harlinger geschiedenis terugwandelen, veranderen er veel zaken en omstandigheden. Politiek, bestuurlijk en militair, maar ook qua dagelijkse leefomstandigheden. Ziektes, droogtes, overstromingen en natuurrampen treffen we met de nodige regelmaat aan. Harlingen kreeg met tyfus, malaria, griepepidemieƫn. Tuberculose werd gaandeweg een volksziekte. De ontploffing van de Indonesische v...ulkaan Krakatau in 1883 luidde een periode van hongersnood in. De asdeeltjes versluierden de zon, gedurende vijf jaar. Een periode zonder zomer en gewassen, die niet wilden groeien.
Als grote groepen mensen dicht op elkaar wonen, is hygiƫne belangrijk. Het vermijden en bestrijding van overlast door mens of dierlijke ontlasting.
De vaste bewoners van Harlingen gebruikten een “pispot”, voor de rijken, en een tonnetje voor de overigen. Die werd geleegd door de karreman. Deze droeg een leren lap over hoofd en schouder. Ter bescherming.
De kar werd in Harlingen, om de afschuwelijke stank, de “Boldootkar” genoemd.
Op composthopen na (Asveld), was er geen afvalprobleem. Het was organisch of werd hergebruikt. Stenen gingen eeuwen mee.
Maar wat te doen met de bezoekers, de handelaren van buiten en de zeelui? Openbare toiletten waren er niet, bomen en struiken afwezig.
De oplossing was de groep van buiten een penning te laten kopen (aan de poorten en het havenkantoor), dat het recht gaf, om zich op daartoe aangewezen plekken te ontlasten. Tot die plekken behoorde de Roetertsteeg, die overigens in het verleden de “Poeper(t)steeg" heette.


The Qu,ran talks of a religiously motivated and inspired Holy war. So does the Old Testament.

In the pre-Islamic area the Ka'aba, a kind of Muslim-tabernacle, in Mecca, and probably in all major cities, contained 360 pagan idols. One for every day of the (lunar) year.

Most important was a meteorite, that, probably, was worshipped for centuries.

Like all over the world, the pilgrims boosted the local economy and wealth. Arabia was tribal country, it still is, and the Korresh, locals, controlled Mecca.

They did not like the monotheism Mohammed preached. It was bad for business.

The prophet was probably exiled or killed, if not for the citizens of Medina. But the conflict remained and even grew, because of the growing number of converts to Islam. In the final clash the Meccan forces were beaten and the power of the Korresh-tribe was gone.

When Mohammed and his troops entered Mecca, he went straight to the Ka'aba and destroyed all pagan idols and held a ritualistic ritual cleansing the Ka'aba and dedicated the holy shrine to the one and only God, Allah.

Not all pagan idols were removed. The meteorite remained and was placed inside the Ka'aba. The stone is still part of the last day of the hadj, the pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca. The believers circle around the Ka'aba seven times, finishing the ritual by kissing the meteorite.

The leaders of the Korresh-tribe did not have to worry.

Mecca is transformed from a dessert-town into a modern ciy with sky-scrapers and the capability to process millions of pilgrims each year, which greatest wish is to get close to his maker, as close as you can

get, by kissing a meteorite-stone.

I finished the monkey-story.”, The Master said, when he entered “the Shop. “But to be precise, it should be named an ape-story. A chimp is an ape, not a monkey.”

Ryanna smiled. “Tell me later, I am quite busy now.”

Thatwas true. 7 “Regulars” and many tourists, who only came to buy “stuff. Something not heard of and punishable by law in their homecountry. The fact that Amsterdam was a touristmagnet, was not due to the Rijksmuseum and the canals but to the availability of every drug and pill, known to modern men.
It is in such a coffeeshop I write my diary and the concept of my book. Words, sentences and pictures I select from my daily newspaper, a right-wing journal called the “Telegraaf”. Why this newspaper? Because you have to know your enemy before you fight them, Sun Tzu the Chinese general. “You have to know them better, than you know yourself”.

Which is true.

This paper, but it also goes for other media as social media and television, is a tool in the hands of our oppressor, like it was in World War 2. Large pictures of brutal events and elaborate reports about sadism and crime, are there to make you afraid. Refugees are stigmatised as criminals, rapists or terrorists. Economic-news is used this way as well and keeps the workers docile. Law and order is applauded and growth of the defense-budget seen as necessary. The readers, 100.000's of them, are massaged on a daily basis.



Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

Jesus saith unto him; I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

JOHN 14: 5, 6


donderdag 24 januari 2019



De Franekerpoort werd in 1835 afgebroken. De poort, met twee torens bekroond, lag aan de Oostergracht (tegenwoordig N.O. Singel) maakte onderdeel uit van een vestingwal. Voor de poort lag een “paardenwei”, waar bezoekers hun paarden konden stallen. Dit voorkwam overbodige drukte in de stad. Tijdens het 700-jarig bestaan werd een imitatie van de verdwenen poort opgebouwd.

De Kerkpoort of Sneeckepoort stond op de plaats van de huidige Kerkpoortsbrug. De brug lag over de Z.O.-gracht en de waterpoort naast de brug gaf toegang tot de Rozengracht.

Het is jammer dat geen van de 4 waterpoorten, die Harlingen bezat voor het nageslacht bewaard zijn gebleven. Dat geldt met name voor de Franekerpoort, die de bekende Sneker waterpoort naar de kroon stak.

Immigration and integration

The European Union estimates to need 30 billion euros to be spend in 7 years at migration and, especially bordercontrol. Most of the money will go to Italy and Greece, where still hundreds refugees, in a live or die-attempt, try to reach the promised land by boat. Sometimes the boat does not make it and their bodies will wash ashore.

A Coast Guard will be established to patrol the Mediterranean. It is a first step towards an European Navy. An European Army is in an build-up phase. The Airforce is integrated and squadrons are mixed. The first disguised under a so-called agressive Soviet Union to build up mixed troops om the Russian border in Eastern Europe. The Airforces are, simultaneously, bombing Syria, Irak and Yemen. They have to operate as one.

Immigration and integration are of minor importance. For instance, of the immigrants who were accepted, got a Dutch passport and a place to live, after 4 years 95% was still unemployed and hardly a chance to ever get one.

80 to 90 thousand fellowsitizens are getting enstranged, live in poverty and have no chance to develop and grow.

But when I look around I see a city, that has neglected itself, tortured itself and has forgotten itself. I one compared it with a museum in which the paintings were covered with newspaper. Craftmanship of ages is uniformly painted over; green or white.

It is a city made of stone, where vegetation and trees stand no chance, against city-development. This must be turned around; parkinglots have to be turned into gardens and the rooftops into bio-environment. The city is of stone. This is the most dominant feature. Hardly any building is plastered and painted in harmony with its surroundings. A project like this would create a lot of jobs. Jobs needed for our new Dutch family-members.


At the bar of the Shop Laura tried to concentrate on her new role as a stranger. She looked around. In the corner, at a table, an elderly man was writing in a diary. He was surrounded by books, newspapers and an ashtray, containing an unlit joint.

Jian was his name, nicknamed “the crazy monk” and he worked as a SiTU-master, a kind of guru, at the local Academy.

He looked at Laura and said: “Laura means sunshine and happiness. It refers to springleaves on trees (de heilzame “laurier”).

Laura laughed and realised that a miracle had happened.

What she saw around her had completely changed. Some people and some other things had aquired an extra dimension. They sparkled like stars in the sky.

pray for his return and that he will reign for a while

Jesus is one of the most fascinating personalities in human history. The One with the most spin-off, penetrating history, science and philosophy, but also manifesting in real life, when government officials refuse to marry gay-couples. Or feeding the homeless in his name.

Jesus died young, like soldiers die young, dying on the cross, aged 33 or 34. Surprisingly very little is known of his life, except for the last three years, when he accepted followers and students to be is his apostles. They, like Maria Magdalen, were eye-witness or spoke to those who saw Jesus perform miracles, turn water into wine, walk on water, debate in synagogues and attack the money-lenders and temporarely destroying a central banking system. Every pilgrim, every visiting Jew had to pay religious fees or made gifts to the Temple. Water, used for a cleansing bath before entering, had to be paid for as well. Deep down and around Jerusalem an age-old irrigation system is still operative.

Visitors came from all around the Roman Empire and beyond.

An empire where all types of coins were in use and they stayed in use a long time. The money-lenders were the intermediairy in exchanging all kind of Roman and other coins into shekels, the locally used currency (in modern Israel uses the shekel again.) Imagine the aftermath of the anger of the Messiah, all the coins, the silver and the gold, shattered around. It is not strange, that Jesus was not arrested at this point and simply could walk away. Everybody, Roman guards, priests, visitors and of course the money-changers were crawling around on the floor chasing coins.

The Bible begins with the Gospels of Matthew, Marc, Luke and John (not John of Patmos, author of the Book of Revelation). For centuries these 4 gospels were the basic info about Jesus' life and death. Several major archeological finds have delivered (parts of) scrolls and codexes, that contained proto- or early christian writings. Some texts were exactly identical with the Torah and the Bible. What also came to light were (parts of) several, unknown, gospels. Sensational was the finding of the Gospel of Mary Magdalen, Thomas and even Judas. Shock-waves, where theologians and clergy, still have to deal with.

There are even non-biblical accounts of Jesus. The Jewish/Roman historian Josephus mentions Jesus' crucifixtion.

What all the documents have in common, that they speak mostly of his reigning years, when the Spirit got hold of him the way. Jesus could have walked away any moment, but he did not. Was it his choise? The Qu'ran gives a complete different picture of the punishment of the Sun of God. Some-one else took his place at the Cross. It may be heresy, but I don't feel this to be Jesus-like. Walking away from the scene, smiling.

We hardly know anything of the first 30 years of his life. We suppose, that he was born in Bethlehem and fled to Egypt, because Herod ordered the “Slaughter of the Innocent.”

All newborns up to 2 years, Herodes' soldiers killed. A desperate attempt by a desperate King, who wanted to kill his, prophesied, successor. Joseph and Mary were warned and fled, to Egypt. Here they stayed for several years. We may assume that Jesus came into contact the Egiptian mystery-religion and sunworship. There are some stories of his youth in Nazareth, where his father worked as a carpenter.

In one of those tales, a friend of Jesus falls of a roof and is killed. The parents accuse Jesus and claim that he pushed their child to his death.

The young Jesus brings his friend back from death. The boy assures his parents, that Jesus had nothing to do with his death. He performs “small” and innocent miracles. He transforms mud-birds into real ones. “Remember me.”, Jesus shouts, when they fly away.

Jesus must have been considered a prodigy but he disappears about 12 years of age, to return when he was thrirty and baptised by John.

Where has he been during these “lost years”?
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor JESUS RETURN

India? Maybe even Tibet?

Some Bible-scolars think to have proven resemblances between the Lord Buddha's teachings and those of Jesus. In the folklore of Kasjmir and the Punjab stories circulate about the visits of Isa, Jesus. Even his grave is supposed to be in Srinagar.

What I am trying to say, that twice, in his short life, the Messiah disappeared out of sight. He was influenced, so I presume, by Egyptian's mystery religions and probably Hinduism and (Tibetan) Buddhism. Jesus may have tried to produce a synthesis, between the most dominant religions of his age. It was too far-reached, to revolutionary. Like the attempt of Akhenaton to introduce monotheisme in Egypt.

The message of Jesus is still a revolutionary one. Maybe, in this time of religious fundamentalism, tensions and violence, his pledge for love, humility and understanding will be heard, understood and transformed into reality.


let's meditate on this

The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger.

Jeremiah 7: 18