woensdag 31 januari 2018

Greys Are Demons. Inter Dimensional Demonic Entities.

World of Warcraft: Looking for Group
Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft: Looking for Group is a ten-year anniversary celebration of the company's monumentally successful launch of the World of Warcraft online gaming platform. Stemming from a line of real-time strategy
in the 90's, WoW is the world's premiere online gaming arena and was home to over twelve million players at its peak in 2010.

X-Raying The Great Pyramids of Egypt Documentary 2018

There once was a magic waterlilly. It drifted all alone in a moat, that completely surrounded an old, medieval castle. Why was the water plant magical? The waterlilly split up during the night. So after one night, there were 2 waterlillies, the next morning 4, the day after that 8 and so on, and so on. After 20 nights half of the moat was felled with these beautiful flowers. The question is: How long will it take, before the lillies cover all the water.
Think about it; the question is crucial to decide, wether you are part of the problem or part of the solution. When your answer is 40, you don't understand the consequences of exponential growth. A method widely used in economy, banking and enterprise. Economy is based on growth, like the waterlilly is based on growth. Exponential growth, which means that the moat will be filled with waterlillies the next morning! An economy based on exponential growth needs disasters and throwbacks, to start all over again.
But we reached a limit. Oil for instance is getting scarce. The reserves are limited, while in the prognoses, we can grow on forever. It means that the oilcompanies are willing to risk enormous environmental disasters, to fulfill our short-time needs. Those same companies are having a huge profit, due to global warming. The North Pole-region can be exploited and polluted as well. Having no alternative, at least not one that they know of, citizens are manipulated to accept an environmental collapse, as a result of our behavior.
Let me illustrate my point, with a Chinese fairy-tale. The emperor had promised the inventor of the game of chess, that he would fulfill any wish. The emperor saw the importance of the invention and the pr-qualities of his generosity. The inventor seemed a simple man and the emperor invited him near his throne and asked him to utter his wish.Slowly formulating the man said, while producing his chessboard.I wish me one grain of wheat on the first quadrant of the board, 2 on the next, 4 on the third ..” His Royal Highness interrupted his guest and said: “I will fulfill your wish. Come back in a week.”Shortly after the inventor left the palace, the treasurer of the Emperor came and said, that the wish could not be fulfilled! After a while, the wheat designed to a quadrant, would be equal to the production of wheat of the whole Empire. In total the board had 64 quadrants. The last amounts would be astronomical.
The Emperor sat down for a while, after which he ordered the inventor and his family to be killed. In that way, the belief in the supreme powers of the Emperor would not be challenged. Machiavelli would have agreed.

Mystery of the Tibetan Mummy

Yesterday night I watched the third movie based on the character of “Jason Bourne” (the Bourne Ultimatum). It's an appetizer for the fourth movie, that will reach the theaters near you this week.
In the third episode Jason Bourne fights its way into his own past to learn who he really is.
I did read the books and saw the first two movies a long time ago.
In that phase I did not know anything about mind control . conditioning and projects like MK-Ultra. The Bourne movies were just entertainment or distraction to me. I had no idea then, that Jason Bourne was a reality. In the third movie Jason finally reaches his “birth-place”. On the way he has to kill people like him, who are working for the enemy (the CIA). They want to get rid of him, because he has become a renegade with a mission. A task-force is send after him, with the order to kill him. In the end Jason Bourne gets to know his real name and is told that he willfully volunteered for a new life as a lethal hitman, who only follows orders and asks no questions.. As a kind of initiation-rite he kills some-one, whose head is hidden in a bag. At that moment he becomes Jason Bourne and starts his training. There exist tens of thousands of young man and woman like Jason all around the world. Special forces, Marines, Seals or Intelligence agencies, they all train human beings, to become indoctrinated and brainwashed special agents, to perform like, Jason Bourne, special missions, where no prisoners are taken. The Mossad is “famous” for these kind of operations. They kidnapped “Eichmann” out of Argentina and the whistle blower Vanunu, that revealed the existence of the Israeli atomic-bomb, out of a foreign hotel. The USA has a secret hit list of people (including their own citizens), who have to be liquidated to prevail in the global war of terror. President Obama is even proud of the results. The Al-Qai'da leaders are mostly eliminated as are the Taliban. Regularly drone-attacks are performed in Pakistan to hunt them down. Jason Bourne is alive and kicking.
The scene in which Webb becomes Bourne reminds me of a African ritual. Here rebel leaders regularly kidnap young boys to turn them into soldiers. Here too the young soldier has to kill an innocent victim to prove his loyalty to some kind of guerilla leader. Jason does the same, bound by blood and guilt.
Soon wars and violence will be over. What will happen to Jason and his friends? HOW WILL THEY FIT IN?

Historiek, het online geschiedenismagazine
Afb: RAAP - Reconstructie door Archeo3D

6000 jaar oud babygraf ontdekt in Nieuwegein

Archeologen hebben een unieke ontdekking gedaan bij een steentijdvindplaats van de Swifterbantcultuur in Nieuwegein. Ze ontdekten een jonge vrouw met een baby in haar arm. De baby is tussen de 0 tot 6 maanden oud geworden. Lees bericht
- advertentie -
Beleef de nieuwe Virtual Reality tijdreis ‘Dare to Discover |A VR Journey’ in Het Scheepvaartmuseum. De VR, aan boord van het VOC-schip ‘Amsterdam’, voert je terug naar de Gouden Eeuw. Je maakt een vlucht over de historische haven van Amsterdam en ervaart hoe dit gebied zich in een razendsnel tempo ontwikkelt. Wil je zeker zijn van een plek? Reserveer dan vooraf tickets online www.hetscheepvaartmuseum.nl/vr.
Knechtenwoning in een polder bij Nieuwe-Tonge. Foto: Henk Jonker (maria austria instituut)

Ooggetuigen van de Watersnood (1953)

Direct na de Watersnoodramp schreef de burgemeester van Battenoord op Goeree-Overflakkee een verslag, gebaseerd op zijn ervaringen en die van anderen. De situatie was representatief voor de ontwikkelingen elders in Zeeland. Lees bericht
Villa Marlier, locatie van de Wannseeconferentie - cc

De Wannseeconferentie en de 'oplossing' van het 'Jodenvraagstuk'

Tijdens de Wannseeconferentie vergaderden de nazi's in 1942 over een definitieve oplossing voor het 'Jodenvraagstuk'. Lees bericht
Plakkaat van Verlatinghe (Nationaal Archief - Anne Reisma)

'Plakkaat van Verlatinge' is hƩt pronkstuk van Nederland

Met het Plakkaat van Verlatinge, ook wel de akte van Afzwering genoemd, namen de noordelijke gewesten tijdens de Tachtigjarige Oorlog afstand van de Spaanse koning Filips II. Lees bericht
V.l.n.r: Jill Pattiradjanawe (1939), JosƩ van Tilborg (1938) en Jackson Adney (1977). Foto's: Marc Driessen
Citaat van de week:

"Ik houd niet van het verleden, maar moet er helaas wel over schrijven, zodat mijn schrijverschap veelal een soort zelfbestraffing is. Maar waarover anders moet ik schrijven? Over de toekomst?"

Gerard Reve
Meer: citaten-en-wijsheden.nl

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nieuwe geschiedenisboeken

Nieuwe geschiedenisboeken (week 5) - 2018

Er verschenen veel boeken over de Tweede Wereldoorlog, maar ook over culturele veranderingen, kunst, opmerkelijke wetenschappers en een bijzondere chocoladreep. Lees bericht
