woensdag 27 januari 2016


When astronauts from the International Space-station were cleaning the outside of the windows of their space-home, they discovered living organisms. It was seaplankton, tiny micro-organisms living in Earth's oceans.
Some scientists saw in this phenomenon, proof that live arrived on earth by means of meteorites, comets, asteroids or dwarfplanets. This theory is called “Panspermia”, the spreading of life, through the cosmos.
Seaplankton is life, but a primitive and limited form of life. Hardly the genesis of mankind and the evolution of life. It is remarkable, that the plankton was still alive and thriving in a vacuum. It makes the presence of this kind of life on other planets and their orbiting moons, more plausible. Especially in connection with the presence of water, recently discovered on Mars, Titan and even Mercury. Probably caused by warming of the planets, which is happening all over the solar-system. Same as on planet Earth.
As above, so below.

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