zondag 26 augustus 2012


I am watching an interesting documentary about Tibetan yogi's. This is a completely alien place to us. The landscape, the life-style, the people, the monks, the lama's and the yogi's.

These students of the wisdom of the Boeddha choose to break samsara and experience enlightment, during their lifetime. They live high up the Himalayas in caves at sacret places, who the Chinese have not reached (yet). Here they live in total seclusion in a box in the ground, a hole in the ground they cannot leave. They may relax, eat and drink; but they stay inside. Most of the time the yogi is busy reciting holy texts and mantra', while trying to empty his mind of the earthly concepts. This can take years, before a yogi has control over his mind and body. Stories are told about yogi's who control the elements and have supernatural powers. They are held in high esteem and are important teachers to the Tibetan people.

When I hear them talk or hold a speech they seem well- educated,wise and tolerant. But actually they are talking about nothing. Peaceful emptiness and freeing your thought of the hindering paradigms of this age.

My teacher warned me for this practise, like he did for chanelling. He said: “An empty place is taken soon.” Meditation or reflection with these intentions, attracts bad karma and entities, with dubious intentions (channeling). My teacher learned me to look at the world in different kind of levels, how they interacted, how they interfered and how they were managed. “Thinking.” he said, “Is trying to connect and combine as many levels and data, and turning them into new. Something no-one never have heard of before. Then thinking turns into creating and you can ride the wave, as long as you want.”

Meditating is like creating wormholes in your brain. Everything is registered (somewhere) and you can recall any memory (even very old ones). But to meditate/think this way is a dangerous path. Our world is not ruled by human rights, freedom and emancipation. You will learn that the most you know is a careful construct to keep you quiet. Many things are held back, which will come into the open soon. Everything will be revealed and you can be part of it. Turn your back to emptyness and nirwana, they are taking our future away.

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