“When you really want to search for Atlantis and maybe even find it, you have to forget, everything you know. It will get a different meaning a different perspective. Our common history and knowledge is completely distorted and artifiicially constructed by the governing Elite, to legitimate their power and governance. Official science is only stimulated to gather data and present them in a way, that fits the officially history of the human race.
Yes, Atlantis did exist, it did prosper and it fell apart. Natural disasters just finished off a period a period of decay, decadence and suppression. History repeats itself, over and over again.
The official history is a fraud. Man's ascend to civilisation is just part of a global lie. Which in itself is a legacy of Atlantis. Why, because Atlantis chose the way for global domination. They manipulated religions, wars, craft and culture. Not for the benefit of the people, but purely for gain and greed.
Atlantis was situated in the North of the Atlantic Ocean, but its ships and crafts covered the world. Always eager to discover. New plants, new animals and new people. All were to get a place in the Museum of Mankind, which the Atlanteans were building in their capital city. But they were merchants as well. By introducing new technologies, they stimulated entire societies to produce jewelry, artifacts and textiles. They were looked after by the Atlantean aristocracy, which were willing to pay enormous sums of money for these products. You always have to remember that water- and sealevels were much lower in those days, before the Flood, so the Atlantean merchants mostly explored rivers and organised expeditions inland. These were the day of adventure and led to many tales, which still are told. About enormous treasure and heroes killing dragons.The locals regarded the Atlanteans as Gods and they were happy when they returned. That's what they always did; promise to return. It was placed and indoctrinated as a beaken of hope in every-one's mind. Even today in the 21st century, this false hope is manifest. Developments which could disturb the balance of power were discouraged or even exterminated.
The Atlanteans kept this balance for a long time and the land was lush and green and dotted with statues, while the harbours and cities were places of marvel and wonder. Cities in beautiful colours, gold and precious stones decorating the houses and palaces and delicately shaped temples.Atlantis was only destined for the Atlanteans. People from other places on earth were simply slaves. Happy slaves, that's true. Then decadence krept in.”
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