maandag 4 juni 2018

Following the monkey-path


There is considerable evidence, that our Moon is hollow. During the moonlandings the astronauts left many things behind. The flags and the golfball, they lost. Also seismic equipment was installed, as was laser equipment. The latter made it possible to measure the exact distance to the Moon. By the way, the distance varies considerably.

The seismic apparatus were used twice, to measure the effects of NASA nuking the Moon. The moon “rang like a

bell”, an effect that lasted for hours. The Moon is also considerably lighter, that planet Earth. Signs, that the Moon is hollow.

Rocks found on the Moon were older, over a billion years, that the oldest stones, found on earth.

Is the Moon artificial?

Some say that the Moon was placed here by an intelligence, far beyond our comprehension. An holloed out renegade planet. The Moon is placed in a perfect, circular orbit and functions as a cosmic clock. The power of the Moon creates floods in oceans undrinkable to us, mammals or birds, except dolphins and whales. Our moon is the only not-spinning object in this solar system.

Why was it placed as a companion of earth. The conclusions vary: an observatory to control and guide us;

the source of a scientific experiment; genetic manipulation and extinction; a controle-tower that keeps us prisoner?
The Truth About Hollow Earth And Civilizations Living Under The Planet's Surface

Anyway. It seems, that all the planets and their orbiting moons are hollow as well. Our whole solar system is a construct, a large, but disturbed entity.

Recently different kinds of strange manifestations were registered on the Moon's surfase. Duststorms and strange lights, but also artificial structures and even a 5-mile high tower.

Overseeing all, the next step will be:

Planet Earth and the Sun are hollow as well.
Hollow Earth theory

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