dinsdag 1 mei 2018


Who controls the past, can shape the future. If you don't know your past, in the end you loose connection with your roots. Karl Marx called this process “Verfremdung”, alienation from your world, where you live in. In this stage people are easily manipulated and indoctrinated. Now the word control becomes essential. History is written by the conquerors and in the past many artifacts, manuscripts, books and scrolls have been destroyed, looted or simply disappeared. The Elite, which is ruling our planet has, through mainstream archeology and theology has constructed a time-frame for human development. From cave-dwellers and hunter-gathers the human species survives to build the first city-stated in India and Mesopotamia around 6000 BC. Mankind made a quantumleap and 2500 BC., they were building the piramides. Enormous empires appeared, to be destroyed by a successor. Rome, which was an Empire for 600 years, crumbloed and was washed over by tribal hords from the North. The dark ages, this period was called in Europe, from which the Roman Catholic church appeared victorious and the first cities appeared, giving an enormous impulse to long distance trade. It was while doing business, the Europeans found out, that a lot of their written history and thoughts of imminent philosophers, was still present in the libraries of Byzantium and Bagdad. Spain was Morish in that time and from here books of Aristotle reached Paris and London.

This led to enlightenment and was the basis for modern science, technology and society. It is said, that Satan dictated “On the origin of species” to Charles Darwin. Madame Blavatsky and others call this “overshadowing”.A process in which an entity takes possession of your mind. This was en is not unusual. Big parts of the Bible and the whole of the Qu'ran have been inspired by so-called angels and demons. This is a disturbing factor, because the Elite needs the common accepted time-line to legitamise the excistance of the now-a-days powerstructures, superpowers, economic and cooperative worldplayers, states and kingdoms.But I told you, that the history we are presented is a complete fake.Recently underwater structures are discovered, like Yonaguni. An underwater city, which must at least be 9000 years old. The city of Krisjna is discovered deep under water near the Gulf of Cambay and artifacts suggest, that the place must at least be 10.000 years old. The official history is crumbling. Sumerians and Mayans were better atronomers, than we are now. They build enormous temples, fortresses and megalitic monuments, all around the world. 21st century engineers admit, that building a temple like Baalbek, would be impossible. How did our ancestors do this, by manpower alone?

The Sphinx is such a mystery. Modern researchers state, the the Egyptian sphinx, was not weathered by sand and wind but by water. This would the Sphinx 10.000 years older and this does fit in the assumption, that man worked his way up slowely but steadily, to arrive in the best state ever. This too is Atlantean disinformation.”

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