woensdag 21 maart 2018



Rianna means “pagan goddes/priestess. An universal function of tribes, communities and ancient cultures. And they still exist: some are dormant like “my” Rianna, others are still active and are venerated by millions of people. You even can state that “Holy Mary” in the christian church and “Maryam” in Islam portray this archetype.

A famous classical example is “the Pythya”, the female oracle of Delphi in Greece. Some call it the navle of the world.

Due to drugs and volcanic vapour she got into trance and answered questions put before her by kings and emperors (Alexander the Great). But her answers were treacherous and ambigous. A king from Asia Minor wanted to wage war against a neighbour. He asked the oracle if it was wise to do so. Her answer was, that an famous kingdom and a famous king would fall.

The king went home and started a war. He lost. A great kingdom and king have fallen.

In northern Europe the Kelts used the name “Rianna” for the priestesses serving in the temples. The Kelts were naturalists who adored nature and who filled their worlds with heroes, goeds, monsters, elfes, demons, giants and dwarves. Trees have inormous powers, especially the oak, and functioned as “totem-like guides” for individuals and groups. Keltic temples were the home of holy trees, stonecircles, monoliths (menhir), underground cellars and burial tombs.

Michael, and others, slew real dragons; monsters that penetrated this world from another dimension. Some forces were even invited in.

Their male counterpart was the socerer, magicion, healer, bard or druid. This community settled on holy places, preferably on an mountain or hill, where they herded cattle, cared for the trees and performed rituals and ceremonies, together wth the riannas.

Glastonbury is a famous example, anotherone is “Almenum” in Frisia. Here once too, riannas served the Gods.
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