zaterdag 10 februari 2018


On the first of July a crop circle appeared near Avebury (UK). The latest in a whole series of amazing patterns. The phenomenon started in the twentieth century and in time, the crop circles developed into amazing pattern and the symbols were complex and universal! Many believe that alien visitors are responsible for the circles and that they desperately trying to communicate with us. Their messages are said to give insight into alien technology and warnings for the imminent changes in our solar systems.

In the first years research into the phenomenon was effectively debunked. A couple of drunken farmers claimed to be responsible for the mystery. It was messaged on National TV on prime time. You could make your own circle with a rope and a stick. Two tools were enough! If you look at the crop-circles in recent years their ingenuity is immense. Still science ignores it and treats it as local folklore.

Well it's local. Circles are found in the Avebury-Stonehenge area. Here you find a huge amount of megalithic monuments. Everybody “knows” Stonehenge, but Avebury is even bigger. But they are not alone. A wooden counterpart of Stonehenge has been found (Woodhenge), West-Kenneth Longbarrow is a huge burial site, Silbury, an artificial mount and much more. Excavations are still going on, but archeologists are becoming to see the connectedness and interactions. Salisbury Plain was an enormous neolithic temple, where large groups of humans lived and many more visited. Ancient paths connect the monuments and are flanked with ancient stones (the Avenue f.i.).

It was a power-house as well. Important ley-lines cross at the Salisbury plain.

Ley-lines are a manifestation of the energy grid, that is active around us. We as humans have a personal energy grid. It can be activated in many ways, but Kundalini awakening is hot, nowadays. Remember, Kundalini is only a name. One name in many, that help us understand ourselves by understanding the “field” and the “level” your in. Chakra's are a way of organizing and using your individual grid. But there are places around the world, where individuals can connect with the cosmic flow. Stonehenge is one of them. For millennia people visit the Salisbury plain to activate their chakra's and to be part of (new age-)enlightenment). But who are responsible for the crop circles? Aliens? I don't think so. Probably ancient technology is buried here, that is coming to life and starts manifesting themselves. Machines hidden deep underground, to escape from the Flood. Who built the machines? The Atlanteans of course! Atlantis was sort of a global government and was situated in the North. It's center being covered by the “North Sea” at the moment. England, Ireland, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands fell under the dictatorship of this very earthly Empire.

Frisia”, the area I live, is as close as you can get. At the moment anyway. But Atlantis will rise again and I don't want to miss it. This time.

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