woensdag 1 oktober 2014

E.C.E.T.I. Ranch: Enlightened Contact
with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
E.C.E.T.I. Ranch: Enlightened Contact with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence - Watch Free Documentary Online - Mike Dickenson, Amy Schlotterback

   ECETI Ranch represents a microcosmic reality of a world-wide collective phenomenon. The owner of the ranch, James Gilliland, maintains to have experienced UFO related phenomena, including contact with extra-terrestrials, for over 30 years. In addition to his experiences, thousands of guests gravitate to the ranch every year and attest personal accounts of seeing ships, meeting off-world visitors, and healing parts of themselves in a place they call “home”. This film is a candid look at the people and the place that create Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. After spending several months at ECETI sharing with James, ranch staff, and guests — the MapMakers reveal new insights about a rapidly expanding universe in an era of global uncertainty.

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