maandag 30 juni 2014

Yesterday. Julian Assange dramatically sought refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Now he has broken his “bail” and will be arrested. He overplayed his hand several times. He will have to hang as an example for all those, who want to expose the world we live in. He underestimated his vulnerability. The law, their law. Justice; their justice. In the Middle Ages a noble man did have to keep his promise towards a farmer. In court royalty always won, in the end.
Julian provoked a system, that is more decadent, destructive and inhuman, than you can imagine. We are cattle to them. Welcome to the reptilian world of power, face and destruction. Knowing and believing, that you are far superior to the life around you. A license to kill at will. Government, like the USA, that they can kill any-one, that forms a threat to the country. Home and abroad.
Julian Assange was framed in Sweden. Due to feminism, there are strict laws against sexual harassment and rape in that country (read Millennium!). Julian was having a big time. He was at the height of his career, though he would rise even more, and slept and had sex with two different women. Everybody was happy, they took him to a private place and had sex. Sex without a condom. I think, everybody still seemed happy. But having sex without a condom is a crime in Sweden. It's rape. The next morning, both women went to police to accuse our hero of raping them. I am sure that there is all kind of evidence, on tape even, and that the women were prostitutes working for the CIA or MI5. Julian will have to pay the price and maybe he is willing to. Everybody will see, that this is just a shadow of our future society.
Julian Assange insta a Barack Obama a frenar su persecución contra ...

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