maandag 30 juni 2014

De Blikken Dominee

noorderhaven harlingen foto mark van der meulen noorderhaven harlingen ...

Ta-ra-ra boem-dij-ee
de dikke dominee
die heeft zijn gat verbrand
al aan de kachelrand

In mijn jeugd, zongen wij dit liedje met veel plezier.
Je doorbrak daarmee een aantal taboes.
Corpulentie, de kerk en het ondernavelse. Er was niet veel fantasie voor nodig, om een jammerende dominee te visualiseren.
Immers, thuis stond een, in de winter roodgloeiende, kolenkachel.
Het oorspronkelijke liedje had andere woorden. Het ontstond na een gruwelijke gebeurtenis in Harlingen. En toch ook weer, menselijk.
( Uit het archief van de Leeuwarder Courant:
Link1 ) Link2

De blikken dominee

Tarara boemdiee
De blikken dominee
Die schoot met kruit en lood
Zijn arme naaister dood

Nu zit hij in de kast
Al aan een ketting vast
De jongens roepen luid:
Die komt er nooit meer uit

Volksliedje (1894), gemaakt n.a.v. de moord gepleegd door de Harlinger dominee J.Barger. Dominee Johan Barger woonde op de Noorderhaven nr. 29. Hij was in 1888 aangesteld als predikant bij de Hervormde Gemeente in Harns. De 17-jarige Catharina Helena Mirande, was de dochter van de eigenaar van een manufacturenzaak aan de Voorstraat, die ook op de Noorderhaven woonde. Cato was haar roepnaam en ze hielp, tegen betaling, de domineesvrouw met naai- en verstelwerk. Ze werd een huisvriendin. Uit de dagboeken van de dominee blijkt, dat hij vanaf 1892 geobsedeerd was van het meisje. Zo probeerde hij bij haar af te dwingen, dat ze, ook na een eventueel huwelijk, door hem mocht worden geliefkoosd. Was er sprake van enige instemming? We weten het niet. Op een bruiloft van de familie Mirande gaat dominee Barger zijn boekje ver te buiten en schopt hij een scene. De winkelier verbreekt elk contact en verbiedt ook zijn dochter om de familie Barger te bezoeken. Na een maand, 6 maart 1894, krijgt Johan Barger zijn echtgenote zover om Cato bij hen thuis te inviteren. Misschien dat de zaak uitgepraat kon worden. Als zijn vrouw op de bovenverdieping de jas van Cato ophangt, lokt de dominee de jonge vrouw naar een voorkamertje en deed vervolgens de deur op slot. Toen zij hem afwees, werd de dominee razend, greep een revolver uit zijn broekzak en schoot op zijn jeugdige geliefde. Het eerste schot miste, het tweede bracht Cato ten val. Van dichtbij schoot hij nog een aantal malen door haar hoofd. Vervolgens pakte hij zijn hoge hoed en wandelde in alle rust naar het politiebureau.
Het pistool had hij nog bij zich.

Mevrouw Barger had het lawaai gehoord. maar toen ze beneden kwam, was haar man al op weg naar het politiebureau. Toen het tot haar doordrong, wat er was gebeurd, probeerde ze zich in de Noorderhaven te verdrinken. Haar dienstmeisje Eke kon dit nog maar net verhinderen.

Johan Barger werd tot levenslange gevangenisstraf veroordeeld. Het vuurwapen had hij in Amsterdam gekocht. Hij overleed echter al in 1900 en werd op het gevangeniskerkhof te Leeuwarden begraven. Mevrouw Barger heeft Harlingen snel verlaten. De woning, waar zich dit drama heeft afgespeeld, is nog steeds aan de Noorderhaven te vinden. Als U wilt, kunt U een blik werpen in het voorkamertje waar de ontknoping van dit liefdesdrama plaatsvond. Johan Barger werd in Amsterdam geboren en was eerder predikant in Garnwerd. In 1875, hij woonde toen nog in Amsterdam, publiceerde hij een dichtbundel: Van Bloesems en knoppen.

Uit Harlingen wordt gemeld, dat de predikant van de Hervormde gemeente aldaar, J.Barger, eene jonge dochter, tot zijne gemeente behoorende. heeft doodgeschoten. De aanleiding van de moord is teleurgestelde hartstocht. Het vermoorde meisje was als naaister werksaam aan het huis van den predikant. Deze liet haar op sijne studeerkamer komen om haar geld aan te bieden. Wat er toen tusschen hen beiden is voorgevallen, is niet met zekerheid bekend. Alleen is gebleeken, dat hij uit eene revolver seven schoten op haar heeft gelost. Men heeft vijf kogels in het hoofd van het meisje gevonden. De misdadiger is gisternamiddag 3 uur gevankelijk naar Leeuwarden vervoerd. Hij is een man van ruim 40-jarige leeftijd.
Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, vrijdag 9 maart 1894)




According to the Lord's own words, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17



1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. 2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.

Akasha is the first material element created from the astral world ...
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 -


“We have been talking recently about the Japanese fascists, who want the global implementation of a dictatorial and militaristic society. To achieve this end, their leader announced, that they had a weapon operational, which could not be stopped. Their victory would only be a matter of tiime.”
The lecture-hall was completely filled. The sense of alert in the SiTU-Academy had risen and many of the students of the Academy had done their own research. Everything they learned about this sect, the more they were stunned. This was the New World Order in progress. It was time to mobilise all opposing forces. Freedom-fighters so to say.

In the past Jian had dedicated many of his lectures to conspiracy-theories. “We are not talking conspiracy-theorie, but conspiracy-FACTS.” Some thought that he was paranoid, but now his analysis and prophesies proved correct. The planet was in danger. The SiTU-monks had to turn themselves into warriors. The final battle was drawing closer and here was the first group, Nazi-oriented, which thought they could exploit the chaos the planet Earth slowly slid into. “The weapon separates the material body from their spiritual functions and possibilities. This will be a relatively slow process, resulting in zombifying the general population. Along the way they are indoctrinated and programmed for their new role of servitude.

They have come a long way and our “Guardians” have all the holografic technology, you ever dreamed about. Jesus Christ could appear in your backyard.
But let's talk about the weapon. Is it possible? From our Western point of view it is not. We consider ourselves as a black box, with thought and spiritual functions as mere by-products.
In Japan they consider spirituality as a highly considered goal. Recent studies have shown, that meditating yogis produce other braninwaves, then gaming 10-year olds. It is a fact, that prayer helps healing, even on a distance. Groupmeditation brings down the crime-rate and it propably influences the weather.

These kind of interactions, and I told you before, everything is connected, These spiritual aspects may be the essence of our existence.” Jian was quiet for a moment, as if to underline what he had just said. “SONY has been experimentating with manipulating thought-waves for a long time. A executive of NEC said: “The study of the sixth sense and terlepathy will certainly and a cornerstone of future modes of communication.” And of manipulation of course. Since 1987 the Japanese government finances studies into human spiritual abilities. And for a good reason.”

Let me answer your question, with a story. It's a story about a Frisian nobleman, who had participate in one of the many battles and raids, which worn down the lands. His lord had lost the battle and maybe his life. Our hero had lost his harness, sword and horse. Barely dressed he ran home.
An icy wind chilled him to the bone and continuous rainfall blocked his sight and path. But he knew his way. Back home, which was nothing more than a fortified wooden farm, but which he called a “state”, a castle. The terrain was muddy, wooded and small streams were meandering down the fields. While he was running, he thought about the lost battle and about the senseless of it all. The 7 Frisian homelands had shrunken and what remained was a battlefield, with no solution in sight. It was mainly a struggle between tradition and innovation. But it was a bitter one and it had divided families and friends. His “boss”, the local warlord, fought for liberty and independence so to say, the opponents fought for emancipation through economic development. So far so good.
Our hero was running home and he was making good process. A small stream would not halt him and he was on the edge of jumping over it, when he heard a voice: “Stop, please stop”. Our poor wet knight halted and after clearing his eyes, he saw a small gnome, standing on the other side. He had heard stories about them, but had never seen one before. He walked through the water to the other side, where the creature was standing. He, it was definitively male, was about 45 centimeters tall, dressed in a brown robe, wore a cap and a long grayish beard. With a cracking, almost feminine voice the gnome thanked him. As a reward he said, the knight may do two wishes, which he would fulfill. The exhausted knight thought for a while and said: “I wish me a golden cup, which will always be filled with excellent beer!” Immediately after he had uttered these words a golden cup, was floating before him in the rain and it was filled with beer. Our hero looked around, but this mysterious being was gone. He did not hesitate and he ran further, home, to try out his gift.
Two weeks later our knight sat in his kitchen. He had a headache. The golden cup was a miracle and many friends visited him regularly to party.
Slowly he walked to the door, opened it and saw the gnome, which life he saved, standing before him. “I promised you two wishes and I have fulfilled only one. What is your second wish?” Our hero looked bewildered, thought for a while and said: “This one is fine,
I'll have another one like this.” And he saluted the gnome with his golden cup, filled with excellent beer.

Uit: In de psychiatrie kun je nog lachen (2002)


Yesterday. Julian Assange dramatically sought refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Now he has broken his “bail” and will be arrested. He overplayed his hand several times. He will have to hang as an example for all those, who want to expose the world we live in. He underestimated his vulnerability. The law, their law. Justice; their justice. In the Middle Ages a noble man did have to keep his promise towards a farmer. In court royalty always won, in the end.
Julian provoked a system, that is more decadent, destructive and inhuman, than you can imagine. We are cattle to them. Welcome to the reptilian world of power, face and destruction. Knowing and believing, that you are far superior to the life around you. A license to kill at will. Government, like the USA, that they can kill any-one, that forms a threat to the country. Home and abroad.
Julian Assange was framed in Sweden. Due to feminism, there are strict laws against sexual harassment and rape in that country (read Millennium!). Julian was having a big time. He was at the height of his career, though he would rise even more, and slept and had sex with two different women. Everybody was happy, they took him to a private place and had sex. Sex without a condom. I think, everybody still seemed happy. But having sex without a condom is a crime in Sweden. It's rape. The next morning, both women went to police to accuse our hero of raping them. I am sure that there is all kind of evidence, on tape even, and that the women were prostitutes working for the CIA or MI5. Julian will have to pay the price and maybe he is willing to. Everybody will see, that this is just a shadow of our future society.
Julian Assange insta a Barack Obama a frenar su persecución contra ...

What does the word “government” mean. You immediately think of politics, ministers, mayors and many, many civil servants. Those are the result of “government”. The word is latin and literally means “control thoughts”. So, what government does is control our thoughts. They manipulate and lie at will, but they do it in a way, that fits our mainframe. Quid Bono, who benefits. In first instance us. It takes billions of people worldwide to garantee our standard of living. They have to be manipulated to. North-Korea is an extreme example, but we too are constantly bombarded with information, that legitimize the actions of our “government”. We also are conditioned to think, that the problems we face are huge, but they are solvable. We go electric, use solar- and windenergy and even talk of animal-rights! These are all diversions.

The world is heading towards World War Three. Iran and Israel are blood enemies and they will go to each other throats soon. This will be the start of a possible nuclear exchange. Israel has the bombs and Iran can buy them from the Russians. Then the domino-effect gets rolling. North-Korea will attack South-Korea, China will annex Taiwan and Russia and China will get involved.

You think that they are crazy? Well, they think that a nuclear war is winnable. The new world will be harsh, but livable and a new world order will enslave the fremaining population. Self, they will go deep underground or into space.
I could have written this 10 years ago and seemingly none of this happened. Allthough tensions rise all over the world, everybody is waiting. Why?

The Essenes were a christian sect, during the times of Jesus. Persecuted by the Romans, they hid their library in clay pots in a numer of caves near the Dead Sea in Israel. These scrolls were found shortly after the Second World War. The contents were sensational. One of the scrolls is called “The War Scroll”.
It speaks of 7 battles fought on earth between good and evil. Six have passed. Three were won by the dark side, three by the light. The next war will be decisive. And we are under mind control. We strongly believe to be on the right side. Reality or “governe mente.”

Voetbalcommentaar letterlijk FILMPJE. Voetbalcommentatoren overstelpen ons met een overdosis beeldspraak: er lopen stofzuigers over het veld, ploegen tasten elkaar af, de doelman dirigeert de muur, enzovoort. Wat zou er gebeuren als je die beeldspraak letterlijk toont? Een filmpje van de Duitse omroep WDR brengt verslag uit van de finale in Rio de Janeiro tussen Brazilië en Duitsland.


When used in archeology, crypto-zoology or paleontology "in situ" refers to the fact, that the artefact, stone-formations, skeletons or mummies were found "on location" (the excavation-site) and that the find was registered and object/site could be verified.
SiTU is an anagram, as well as a hologram.
SiTU means home in Dutch and YOU in French.
Make your home the centre of the Cosmos and start knowing your
SiTU Harns is an isolated and local "monastery".
Vedic Cosmology -
Mysteries of the Sacred Universe

SOMEthing to think about

Improve your skills, knowledge and capabilities.
Create a web of solidarity.

These are the best tools

to survive the coming economic/financial collapse and breakdown of the world as we know it.

dM, SiTU


India: For the first time, a dozen dolphins spotted in Beas: For the first time, the officials of Harike wildlife sanctuary, 60km from Amritsar, have spotted 12 Indus dolphins,...


The uniforms the NAZIs wore,

were designed by


dM, SiTU