vrijdag 31 augustus 2012


On 9/11 the hijacked planes put of their transponders. This is a communication-device, that makes it possible for air-controllers to locate the plane. When it's put off (why this possible or necessary, I don't know), the Air Force should be informed. Jet fighters will take off to intercept them. Nothing of this happened. When questions were asked, it was caled a drill. This “black out” made it possible for the hijacked “planes” to reach their targets, with the well-known results.
But this situation has changed. Everybody is on high (red) alert to prevent terrorism and everything is focused on this aspect.
On an American airport a 4-year old boy's name stood on the “potential terrorist-list (aren't we all)”. Instead the boy was arrested. It escaped and ran to his mother. The mother was arrested and strip searched, because the boy-terrorist could have transferred a weapon, when his mother protected him. Tunnel-vision. Recently a charter-plane was flying from Casablanca to Amsterdam. The airport was busy and the plane had to wait. I think that the captain was entertaining his passengers by playing Moroccan Music. A couple of minutes later, two jetfighters apear. The captain calls air traffic-control and asks: “Am I hijacked?” The answer: “Are you hijacked?” Because of the music Amsterdam Airport had concluded, that the plane had been hijacked. Immediately the necessary steps were taken (in the air and on the ground!). It all was an, expensive, mistake.
On April 1st, Foolsday, a strange object was reported in one of the harbours of L. From a distance it looked like an ancient sea mine, used in the 20-40's of the last century. It was floating peacefully on the waves. Immediately panic struck. The area was cleared and secured by the police. The mine was constantly monitored and filmed. Part of the plan is to alarm the “National Bomb Squad”, stationed 250 kilometers away. When they finally arrived, it was soon discovered that the sea-mine was a joke. It was constructed of plastic, wood and some metal strips. The mayor, responsible for the operation, instructs the police to find the “terrorists”. He will make them pay.
Experts call this “the mean world syndrome”. In the media we are bombarded by suicide-bombers, terror attacks on major cities, crime rates and the destruction of our society.
The media, politics and the economy are modeling our way of thinking in a mind frame of fear.
Here in the Netherlands the safety-quote is 98%. Most of the time and most of your life you are safe and free to act.
Use this 98% well and the other 2% will fade away.

Cities Of The Underworld Freemason Underground [Video]

Cities Of The Underworld Freemason Underground [Video]

Scientists Under Attack (FULL) [Video]

Scientists Under Attack (FULL) [Video]

Bigfoot-imitator doodgereden op snelweg

Bewerkt door: Mick Van Loon −28/08/12, 06u50 − Bron: ad.nl; abcmontana
Een 44-jarige Amerikaan in de staat Montana die gehuld in een camouflagepak de snelweg op was gelopen omdat hij zich wilde voordoen als Bigfoot, is door twee verschillende automobilisten aangereden. Daarbij kwam de Bigfoot-imitator om het leven.
Volgens de politie wilde het slachtoffer dat passerende automobilisten alarm zouden slaan omdat ze Bigfoot hadden gezien, het aapachtige beest dat volgens de overlevering in bossen in Noord-Amerika zou leven. Hij had zichzelf daartoe in een zogeheten ghillie gehesen, een in de jacht en door militairen gebruikt camouflagepak dat lijkt te bestaan uit bladeren en takken.

China calls Arunachal Pradesh 'southern Tibet'

China calls Arunachal Pradesh 'southern Tibet':

China "illegally" refers to Arunachal Pradesh as south Tibet and claims around 90,000 sq km of Indian territory there, Rajya Sabha was informed today.

Kasab's hanging will cost govt only Rs 50

Kasab's hanging will cost govt only Rs 50:

 To keep him safe, the state has already spent more than Rs 50 crore. In his execution, the budget permitted by an archaic law is only Rs 50.

Zero Point : Volume II - The Structure Of Infinity FULL MOVIE 1080p [Video]

Zero Point : Volume II - The Structure Of Infinity FULL MOVIE 1080p [Video]


donderdag 30 augustus 2012


It could be the name of a blockbuster movie, but it is the media-name for the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. “The Dark Knight Massacre”. The (medical student) James Holmes visited the premiere of the latest Batman Movie.
He wore a gasmask, a bullet proof vest, shoulder and knee protection and (I suppose) black boots. He was not the only one, who had dressed up. What made him stand out of the crowd was the fact, that he was armed with 2 rifles, tear gas and a handgun. When the movie started, James Holmes created panic by throwing tear gas and then started shooting into the crowd. 58 wounded and 12 dead.
The police arrived within two minutes and James Holmes surrendered to the police, without any resistance.
As always the (police-)authorities presented the “lone wolf-theory”. James Holmes had organized, plotted and executed this massacre on its own. But questions were asked. There were rumors of a second shooter or an accomplice inside the theater. A second gas-mask? Dit somebody let the shooter in. Was he under mind-control or had he been drugged (or both)? James warned the police, that he had booby trapped his apartment. It took FBI-specialist two days to clear the place. How did he acquire the knowledge and the money to build all this stuff.
Let me tell you,how much the preparation of an act of violence will cost you in Colorado Aurora is not that far from Columbine. It's the state where a bank gives you a rifle for free, when you open an account.
James Holmes owned the following (hand-)guns:
  • a AR-15 rifle, price 1000$
  • a Remington rifle and two Glock-handguns
    total 1000$
  • a bulletproof vest, price 800$
  • ammunition, gasmask, clothing etc., total 1000$

It cost James Holmes 3800 dollars to prepare and nothing stood in his way. I think, that's cheap! In euro about 3000! James Holmes drove a nice car, which he had parked behind the cinema. But how did he get in. The emergency-doors can only be opened from the inside. That raises the question: Did James Holmes have a ticket?

woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Urdu, Bengali speakers under police lens in New York

Urdu, Bengali speakers under police lens in New York:

The demographics unit of NYPD has eavesdropped on thousands of conversations between Muslims in restaurants and stores in New York City.



China will invest $10 bn to develop Gwadar port and manage its operations.

Plane hijack drama at Amsterdam airport

Plane hijack drama at Amsterdam airport:

 "There was never any danger. There was a lack of communication between the pilot and the tower and the airport has activated the security protocol," a spokeswoman for Spanish carrier Vueling said.

Power grids easy meat for cyber rogues

Power grids easy meat for cyber rogues:

India's power systems could be vulnerable to crippling cyber attacks on a scale that can have serious implications for national security and economy, an enquiry into the July 30-31 grid collapse that grabbed global attention has said.


Where we you on 9/11 2001?
I was sitting in the restaurant of a swimming-pool drinking a beer. I was there for my therapy, being very depressed and immobile. Swimming activates +-particles in your body and they make you feel better. S they say. I only got very, very tired and the wish to stop moving grew every second. But I made it, 40 lanes breast-stroke, and treated me on a beer and a sigarette. Articles and activities strictly forbidden in the Health-centre, where my therapist resided.
I saw the second plane fly into the World Trade Centre and ran to the Health-centre, where I watched the Twin Towers fall. I remember a doctor making a joke on organ-donors. But all the bodies had evaporated, as was most of the buildings. Returned to dust, except the passport of one of the hijackers.. I took the bus home and and said to a woman, waiting with me on the bus stop, that “The world has changed for ever.” At home watched the towers fall over and over again.
It was a that moment, that my depression disappeared and was replaced by fear. In the months to come I had visions of big city life, full of control, violence and repression. All under the name of “The War on Terror”. Since 9/11 about one million human beings have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan alone.
I wanted to get away from the big city, that I hated all ready but was too lazy (depressed) to act upon. I had to get out of there.
I was lucky, within 3 years I could move to small harbor town in the North. The storms and the silence must have blown away some veils, because I started to get interested in 9/11 again. Thanks to the internet I was introduced to all kind of conspiracy-theories around the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. 4 planes were hijacked; three reached their target and one crashed in Pennsylvania, due to rebelling passengers, who fought the terrorists.
It was a German-documentary which “proved” (for me), that the Pentagon-attack was done by a missile and not by an airplane. In an Danish-documentary questions were raised about the “controlled demolition” of “Building 7”.
There were questions in the years after 9/11 and there is a formal report. But this report raises more questions, than it answers. I think, that the global consequences of 9/11; 2 wars, 1 million+ casualties, a continuous war on terror (openly and covert), the restrictions on personal freedom and privacy and a booming security industry, that, due to new insights and information, an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION, must be undertaken, under responsibility of the global community. The questions are too important, to leave the answers to the Americans alone.




Is there a life after death is a question, that haunted mankind for millenia and is at the moment as actual as ever. Christianity provides a (too) simple answer. Either we go to heaven or we are destined for hell. Both are eternal and irrevocable. So it is important to live a good life. Do good deeds and you will gain karma, which will be weighed by Saint Peter, who guards the Gate to the Heavenly quarters. A procedure we also find in the “Egyptian Book of the Dead.” This book describes the journey of the soul of the diseased. His challenges and the dangers, he will meet. By studying this path to the stars (where eternity was effectuated) and learning the necessary prayers by heart. Knowledge was a necessary tool to accomplish your goal; to become a god, to become a star.
The “Bardo Thotrol” is the Tibetan counterpart.It is a manuscript about the faze of dying and the fase of death. Bardo means “in between” one life and another. It must help the dead in this faze, to stick to itself and see the (fearful) projections as stages of the own spirit eand the emotional steps it takes. Traditionally the Tibetan “Book of the Dead” is read aloud to the dying, to help him or her achieve enlightenment.
How do we prepare for our own death. Louis Camus, the French existentialist wrote: “When you are old enough to be born, you are young enough to die.” It can happen at any moment, so insight into what happens after dying seems a logical search.
The “Skole Experiment” is a important part of research into this phenomenon. A number of believers started seances in a cellar. The results were shocking and many is recorded on video and audio. After a while all kinds of things started to happen. Light phenomena (orbs), sounds and levitation. The number of participants grew and so did the results. Ghosts appeared (manifested themselves), video-recordings, with colors, images and persons, were recorded, even though the cellar was in the dark. Roles of film contained handwritings of different persons and in different languages, without anyone touching them and about 80 objects materialized out of nothing. After 500 sessions, the Skole experiment stopped. The participant are certain that there is a life after death and that ghosts are a reality. In Italy mr. Baggi contacts spirits of deceased children. He does this by radio! He makes it possible for the parents to talk to the dead child. Here too objects and flowers fall out of the sky. Out of another dimension.
When you die, you enter another dimension. You have to be aware of what may happen to you. It is not as easy as you think. It may start with a bright light and a tunnel, but things may change. Many demons and monsters or possible seduction (even out of your former lives) will cross your path. Because you have no material reference-points anymore, you need a guide. That guide is your inner strength and devotion. My advise: start your study about death as soon as possible. It will enrich your life.

The Afterlife Investigations - Movie Feature - The Scole Experiments. [Video]

The Afterlife Investigations - Movie Feature - The Scole Experiments. [Video]

NS negeerde regels OV-chipkaart en misbruikte persoonsgegevens

De NS bleek volgens het CBP geen van de voorwaarden voor het gebruiken van persoonlijke gegevens na te leven. Foto NRC / Arjan de Jongh, door
De NS heeft de OV-chipkaart misbruikt om persoonsgegevens te verzamelen voor marketingdoeleinden. Ook gegevens van zogenaamd anonieme OV-chipkaarthouders zijn verzameld. Als ze hun saldo via de website van de NS activeerden, werden hun e-mailadressen voor reclamedoelen gebruikt. Dat concludeert het College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP) in een vandaag gepubliceerd onderzoek.

'Al-Qaeda beraamt aanslag Den Haag'

Door: Redactie −29/08/12, 07:32 − bron: ANP
© ANP. Het Binnenhof in Den Haag.
UPDATETerreurorganisatie al-Qaeda heeft in Pakistan twee Somalische mannen gerekruteerd om in Den Haag een aanslag te plegen. Dat meldt De Telegraaf woensdag. De krant baseert zich op een artikel in het Pakistaanse weekblad Friday Times dat gewag maakt van deze dreiging.
De twee Somalische studenten zouden in de Pakistaanse stad Karachi zijn benaderd door al-Qaeda. De twee kregen een wapentraining en hebben de opdracht in Den Haag een aanslag te plegen naar voorbeeld van de massale schietpartij in Mumbai in 2008.

Een Nederlandse inlichtingenbron noemt de zaak in De Telegraaf 'serieus en zeer actueel'. Een woordvoerder van de Nederlandse ambassade in Pakistan zegt in de Friday Times nauw samen te werken met de Pakistaanse autoriteiten om dergelijke dreigingen te elimineren.

Volgens de woordvoerder van de Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV), Erik Akerboom, gaat het om 'oude informatie die bekend was bij alle veiligheidsdiensten'. Die informatie is destijds gewikt en gewogen en gaf toen en nu ook geen aanleiding het dreigingsniveau aan te passen, aldus de zegsman.

Volgens de Friday Times zouden de twee Somaliërs 'als christenen' naar Europa reizen met gestolen Spaanse paspoorten onder de namen David Azubuike en Jonathan Boipelo.

dinsdag 28 augustus 2012

Secret Space, Secret Past 1 [Holographic-Disclosure.com] [Video]

Secret Space, Secret Past 1 [Holographic-Disclosure.com] [Video]
What You've Been Missing - Exposing The Noble Lie
WYBM - Episode 01 -Part 1 of 10: What You've Been Missing was created to fill the massive gap created by corporate media, between itself and reality. A virtual variety show with a point, WYBM helps you learn how to outgrow the status quo; through a systematic process of critical thinking supplemented with comedy.
EndGame HQ full length version

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

Taliban behead 17 at late-night party

Taliban behead 17 at late-night party:

 The Musa Qala district chief confirmed that villagers had organised a party with music. A local official said he suspected that the two women were dancing.

maandag 27 augustus 2012

7 miljoen kinderen op de vlucht

Dima moest rennen voor haar leven, weg uit Syrië. Pama mist haar ouders elke dag. Ze heeft ze al vijf jaar niet gezien. Hussein woont al jaren in een benauwd en beklemmend vluchtelingenkamp in Libanon. Dima, Pama en Hussein zijn niet de enigen op de vlucht: meer dan 7 miljoen kinderen zijn niet waar ze willen zijn.

Geen basis

De gevluchte kinderen kunnen na een paar jaar weer terug. Maar ze hebben te veel meegemaakt om te vergeten. Dat kan niet. Veel kindvluchtelingen hebben geweld van dichtbij meegemaakt. Soms zijn ze familieleden of zelfs hun ouders kwijtgeraakt. Er is geen structuur, geen houvast. Er is geen zekerheid over waar ze naartoe gaan en of ze daar blijven.

Muziek, toneel en tekenen
War Child helpt deze kinderen met het verwerken van de nare dingen die ze hebben gezien en meegemaakt. Dit doen ze door het organiseren van creatieve activiteiten zoals muziek, rollenspellen en tekenen. We zorgen dat er een plek is waar ze zich veilig voelen en weer kind kunnen zijn. Zodat de kracht die de kinderen in zich hebben weer naar boven komt. Dima, Pama en Hussein zijn nog ver van huis maar durven weer vooruit te kijken.

Help kinderen zoals Dima, Pama en Hussein en doe een


In Nag Hamadi (Egypt) in 1945 an ancient jar was discovered, which contained several, leather bound, codexis (dating about 400 AD.), that contained early Christian, religious documents. The books contained several gospels, unknown and not censored by the Church. But not all were gospels, some were the registration necessary to run a community. The Nag Hamadi-documents contained also some notes about the origin of evil.
The author describes as the source the “Archons”, a predator that came from deep space and took over our world and rules our lives, even until this very minute. We are just prisoners, held captive as a food-source to these archon-entities and manifestations. They feed on our pain, our destruction and our fears. This predator is our Lord and Master. Archons are parasites, that create our world through us. They manipulate our mind, our genetics and manipulate and deceive to keep the populus productive and docile. The Archons are responsible for the continuous stream of war, destruction, suffering and mind-manipulation. They hinder our human development and individuals who get near(er) to the truth, disappear or get openly murdered (Bill Cooper), even by the government (Waco, Texas). Archons envy us and can only exist “through” us.
Archons come in two types: Reptilian and the so-called Greys. Their interactions are complex, but most researchers conclude that Greys serve the Reptilians. They do the dirty work (cattle-mutulations or abductions), There is no empathy felt around them. Reptilians on the other hand can produce a “paralyzing” fear. On May 10, 1971 the noted British astrophysicist and astronomer, sir Alfred Hoyle, called a news conference and made the following statement: “Human beings are just pawns in a great game; being played by alien minds, which controls mankind's every move. These alien minds come from another universe. One with five dimensions. These super intelligent entities are so completely different from us, that it is impossible to describe them in human terms. They have been here for aeons and probably have interfered with human genetics. Anything, that mankind has accomplished is the result of their interference.”
ARCHONS are psycho-spiritual parasites, that intrude subliminally upon the human mind, making us play our our inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.

'It won't be wise to tell aliens where we are'

'It won't be wise to tell aliens where we are':

Nobel laureate Brian P Schmidt has warned that any encounter with aliens may not be a happy one and it would be unwise for us to tell them where we are.

Prince Harry deactivates personal Facebook page

Prince Harry deactivates personal Facebook page:

 Prince Harry has deactivated his Facebook page amidst fear that fresh images could emerge in the wake of his nude "strip pool" antics in Las Vegas.

zondag 26 augustus 2012

Sex, Lies And Julian Assange (Full Documentary 2012) [Video]

Sex, Lies And Julian Assange (Full Documentary 2012) [Video]
David Icke Awesome NEW Interview June 18, 2012 - DNA, Royals and Iluminati History
Prometheus movie maybe Real documentary



Does Eurozone Face A "make Or Break"-situation? [News Analysis PressTV] [Video]

Does Eurozone Face A "make Or Break"-situation? [News Analysis PressTV] [Video]



The out-of-work fashion designer fatally shot a former co-worker and was then killed by police.

China's new missiles can carry 10 nuclear warheads

China's new missiles can carry 10 nuclear warheads:

C hina has developed a new generation of inter-continental and submarine launched missiles increasing its ability to reach US and to overwhelm missile defence systems.

Top Haqqani commander killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan

Top Haqqani commander killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan:

 Badruddin Haqqani, the key operational commander of the al-Qaida linked Haqqani network, is are believed to have been killed in a US drone strike.

Fresh violence kills 5 people in Assam, curfew imposed

Fresh violence kills 5 people in Assam, curfew imposed:

Five persons were killed in fresh violence in lower Assam's Chirang district today taking the toll to 85 since ethnic trouble erupted last month.


I am watching an interesting documentary about Tibetan yogi's. This is a completely alien place to us. The landscape, the life-style, the people, the monks, the lama's and the yogi's.

These students of the wisdom of the Boeddha choose to break samsara and experience enlightment, during their lifetime. They live high up the Himalayas in caves at sacret places, who the Chinese have not reached (yet). Here they live in total seclusion in a box in the ground, a hole in the ground they cannot leave. They may relax, eat and drink; but they stay inside. Most of the time the yogi is busy reciting holy texts and mantra', while trying to empty his mind of the earthly concepts. This can take years, before a yogi has control over his mind and body. Stories are told about yogi's who control the elements and have supernatural powers. They are held in high esteem and are important teachers to the Tibetan people.

When I hear them talk or hold a speech they seem well- educated,wise and tolerant. But actually they are talking about nothing. Peaceful emptiness and freeing your thought of the hindering paradigms of this age.

My teacher warned me for this practise, like he did for chanelling. He said: “An empty place is taken soon.” Meditation or reflection with these intentions, attracts bad karma and entities, with dubious intentions (channeling). My teacher learned me to look at the world in different kind of levels, how they interacted, how they interfered and how they were managed. “Thinking.” he said, “Is trying to connect and combine as many levels and data, and turning them into new. Something no-one never have heard of before. Then thinking turns into creating and you can ride the wave, as long as you want.”

Meditating is like creating wormholes in your brain. Everything is registered (somewhere) and you can recall any memory (even very old ones). But to meditate/think this way is a dangerous path. Our world is not ruled by human rights, freedom and emancipation. You will learn that the most you know is a careful construct to keep you quiet. Many things are held back, which will come into the open soon. Everything will be revealed and you can be part of it. Turn your back to emptyness and nirwana, they are taking our future away.

zaterdag 25 augustus 2012

For the first time, the reclusive and secretive Tibetan monks agree to discuss aspects of their philosophy and allow themselves to be filmed while performing their ancient practices.

Yogis Of Tibet (2002)- Full Movie



Iran Begins Construction Of $300 Million Anti-aircraft Missile Base

Iran Begins Construction Of $300 Million Anti-aircraft Missile Base

Hosting a foreigner? Inform immigration online

Hosting a foreigner? Inform immigration online:

The bureau of immigration has made it mandatory that from September 1, all hotels, guesthouses and furnished apartments across the country should file particulars of their foreign guests on the bureau’s website.



Most victims of the July 22, 2011 killings were teenagers, some as young as 14.

China’s missile advances aimed at thwarting US defenses, analysts say

China’s missile advances aimed at thwarting US defenses, analysts say:

China's upcoming intercontinental ballistic and submarine-launched missiles have a greater capability to overwhelm any missile defense systems, analysts said.

Shootout near Empire State Building in NY kills 2

Shootout near Empire State Building in NY kills 2:

Gunfire erupted outside the Empire State Building in New York during Friday morning's rush hour, evoking 9/11 horrors in a city that has won acclaim for its resilience and a plunging crime rate over the years.

Pt 1 The Archons Alien Invaders From Space ALL CREDIT TO UFOTVStudios Clipnabber Com [Video]

Pt 1 The Archons Alien Invaders From Space ALL CREDIT TO UFOTVStudios Clipnabber Com [Video]

vrijdag 24 augustus 2012


Imagine a fantasy-movie. A wicked witch, who tries to destroy the legal heir to the throne. The future king (and the future queen) battle the dark forces, to obtain what's theirs. Most of the time help by weird creatures and loyal price-fighters. In this imaginary world everything seems possible and the opposing parties control mysterious forces, magic swords and truth-saying mirrors. The movie is made to fulfill the needs of young teens, they are immensely popular (Harry Potter) and action-driven (violence is the key to success), many people (innocent or not) and animals (all innocent) will get killed in bizarre and realistic ways and the special effects guarantee an overwhelming experience. Everybody knows, that in the end, the dark forces will be destroyed and the young king accepts his crown from enthusiastic crowd. The authorities have agreed, that viewing is acceptable from 12 years on.
Imagine a fantasy movie. The opening scenes show a mountainous area covered in snow. We circle round and see a hill-top village. Definitively medieval or older, no walls and defenseless.
People go about doing their things. Children are playing, a blacksmith at work and women preparing food. Suddenly a cry.
In the distance, contrasting with the white slopes, a group of horsemen are approaching and they are approaching fast. In the villages panic strikes. Women pick up their children and run. A farmer tries to save his cow and valuables are grabbed.
Too late, the riders, long-haired, harnesses and evil looking, drive their horses in between the small wooden houses (they are going to burn, you know that) and start killing everybody in sight. In a short while all the locals are dead. Victory; now for the funny parts. The raping and the looting. Zooming in: two filthy, unshaven and bloodthirsty heroes enter a farm.
Imagine a fantasy-movie. You are on time, the movie just started. Inhabitants of a seemingly innocent village are slaughtered by a military force. Who did not flee on time is dead. So it seems. Two looters enter a house. Nothing worth stealing, until the find a fifteen your old girl. One of them lifts up the girl and nails her with his sword to the door. “That's how I like them best”, he says, when he rapes her. Satisfied he withdraws the sword, the girl drops on the floor. “You can have her now.”, he laughs and goes on searching for prey.
But relax, it's only a fantasy-movie. But who's fantasy I ask. In who's mind was this scene created, who directed this and how often it had to be rehearsed.
Don't worry. The girl will be saved. I am after the creator.

Destination Truth: Alien Invaders [Video]

Destination Truth: Alien Invaders [Video]

The question remains: who are the  real "alien invaders". The bigger the team. the equipment and resources, the more futile the results. dM, SiTU



Universe will eventually disappear: Top astronomer

Universe will eventually disappear: Top astronomer:

 Renowned astronomer and Nobel Prize laureate Brian P Schmidt predicted a "dark" future for the universe which he says will eventually fade away throwing astronomers out of work.



 At $957, Golden Phoenix Cupcake made by Dubai’s Bloomsbury’s cafe is at top of the list.

donderdag 23 augustus 2012



 The cycling champion says USADA doesn't have the authority to vacate his Tour titles.
Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends - UFOs
Louis Theroux's documentary from the 90s where he visits parts of America where there are people who believe both UFOs and Aliens have visited earth. Some have also believe they have even KILLED them.

Sterk besmette vissen uit water gehaald in Fukushima

Bewerkt door:
22/08/12 - 10u48 Bron: AD.nl
Japanners hebben hun buik vol van kernenergie.© epa.
In de buurt van de verwoeste Japanse kerncentrale Fukushima I zijn vissen gevangen met een nog niet eerder gemeten niveau van radioactieve besmetting. Een groenling had 258 keer zo veel cesium in zich als wat nog veilig is om op te eten, meldt de Japanse krant Mainichi Shimbun.

De vissen zijn uit zee gehaald in een gebied waar wegens de kernramp een vangstverbod geldt. De vissen kunnen in principe dus niet op de markt komen. De radioactiviteit toont wel aan dat de nucleaire vervuiling 1,5 jaar na de ramp nog altijd een groot probleem is.

Straling wordt gemeten in becquerel per kilo. De groenling had 25.800 becquerel. Het oude record bij Fukushima was 18.700 becquerel, 187 keer boven de grens, gemeten bij een zalm.

Nostradamus : The Truth, tells the true story of Nostradamus, uncovering the myths and speculations that surrounded the life of this legendary figure. He battled against antisemitism and the inquisition to become the confidant of some of the most powerful and dangerous figures of his time. Nostradamus was man who tried to ignore his "visions" but forced by poverty and prejudice, he decided to capitalize on them. It was this fateful decision that would bring him into conflict with the establishment, as well as a poisonous rivals who would stalk him throughout his life. In the end, the rise and fall of dynasties would rest on his words. Nostradamus man or myth. Explore the debate of this famous prophet's accuracy

The Truth About Nostradamus
Soviet Top Secret Weapons

Attack of the Drones - USA
Wired - South Korea 

Witte Huis verrast door boek over operatie Bin Laden

23-08-12 05:15 uur - Bron: AP/Reuters

Osama bin Laden in 1988© afp
Een boek over de militaire operatie waarbij vorig jaar Osama bin Laden werd gedood, geschreven door een van de Navy SEAL's die bij de operatie betrokken was, komt uit op 11 september. Dat heeft de uitgever van het boek, Dutton, woensdag gezegd.
Volgens Dutton worden in het boek, getiteld No Easy Day, de feiten van de missie op een rij gezet. De naam Mark Owen, een pseudoniem van de SEAL die het boek schreef, wordt op de omslag als auteur vermeld.

De SEAL werd bij het schrijven van het boek bijgestaan door journalist Kevin Maurer.

persbureau Reuters zijn zowel het Witte Huis, het Pentagon en de CIA verrast over het boek. 'We zijn vandaag pas het bestaan van dit boek te weten gekomen, dankzij een persbericht', zei Witte Huis-woordvoerder Tommy Vietor. 'We hebben het boek niet gelezen en weten niet wat er instaat.'

US website airs naked photos of UK's Prince Harry

US website airs naked photos of UK's Prince Harry:

 Pictures of a naked Prince Harry, grandson of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, cavorting with a nude young woman in a hotel room in Las Vegas were published on a US website on Wednesday, in a potential embarrassment to him and the royal family.

Govt blocks Twitter accounts of some journalists

Govt blocks Twitter accounts of some journalists:

The Union government has stepped up its efforts to stop what it perceives an online campaign of misinformation and rumour-mongering in the wake of Assam riots and has blocked several Twitter accounts, including two belonging to journalists.


I do not believe in alien intelligence, from far far away. The universe is not that big and consists merely of illusions.

Illusions can be real though. Science must finally conclude, that matter is an illusion. It consists of almost nothing. Now the desperate scientists are bombarding “almost nothing” with “almost nothing” to find“everything”; the God-particle or Higgs boson. They want to create a “theory of everything” out of the remnants of a collision of “almost nothing” with “almost nothing” (protons) That's not science, that is alchemy, Gods hand or even magic.

In the world of astronomy and cosmology you see the same tragedy enfold. Recently “dark matter” was discovered. An former unknown cosmic entity and it filled 70% of the universe around us. They know hardly anything of the discovered 30% and suddenly the field of research explodes. Into this whirlpool a stone was thrown by the famous English scientist, Stephen Hawking. He theorized the existence of“black holes”. These were centers of extreme gravitation, that attracted planets and stars. At a given point the star would disappear, went passed the event-horizon, and was swallowed, never to return. A black hole is “cookie monster”, that grows when it eats. But what happens to f.i. us. We will be stretched up as a strain of dna. In the middle of our “Milky Way" a giant black hole is growing. Eventually it's growing powers will reach us.

When will we accept, that we know practically nothing. We don't know how a single cell develops, how our brain works, how to stop violence , over-consuming and hunger, polluting and destroying our environment. Those are the real questions in our time and how to solve them in a decent and human way. The Higgs-particle, black holes or dark matter attribute no solutions to the real enfolding tragedy around us; but by making science devine, the result is that every alternative view is ridiculed and marginalized. Science has become a tool of the governing Elite, their decisionmakers and the Military Industrial Complex. Drop out and turn you heart to nature around you. Every flower and every butterfly will help you. They know, that if you love treat them well, they will flourish. Admire a honey-bee and the flowers they visit. If you do that, you make them exist. Your attention and respect are the founding stones of their existence. Step outside the box and look around you.

woensdag 22 augustus 2012

Vulkaanuitbarsting in Patate, Ecuador.

Foto AFP / Carlos Campana

Hillen: land straks niet veilig meer

Minister van Defensie Hans Hillen (CDA) vreest dat de veiligheid van Nederland in het geding komt als er nog meer wordt gesneden in de begroting van Defensie. Dat zei hij dinsdagavond in Nieuwsuur.Hillen vindt dat er altijd rekening moet worden gehouden met terroristische aanslagen of cyberaanvallen. “Er is nog ontzettend veel onrust. Je kan niet zeggen dat de wereld veilig is”, betoogde Hillen. “Als we nog verder teruggaan, zijn we niet meer veilig.”
Hij vergeleek de uitgaven van Defensie onder meer met de stijging van de kosten in de zorg. “Alleen de zorgstijging tijdens deze kabinetsperiode is al twee keer mijn hele defensiebegroting. We zijn niet ziek geworden. Die stijging lijkt alsof we in de afgelopen jaren doodziek zijn geworden.”

maandag 20 augustus 2012

Verdrievoudiging moorden Mexico sinds 2005

MEXICO-STAD - Het aantal moorden in Mexico is sinds 2005 bijna verdrievoudigd. Dat blijkt uit cijfers van het bureau voor de statistiek die de regering maandag heeft vrijgegeven.

Foto: AFP
Het is niet duidelijk hoeveel moorden te wijten zijn aan de oorlog tegen de drugs die president Felipe Calderón in 2006 afkondigde. Hij gaf toen de strijdkrachten opdracht met alle middelen een einde te maken aan de macht van de drugskartels.
In 2005 waren er in het Latijns-Amerikaanse land 9921 moorden, oftewel 9 per 100.000 inwoners. Vorig jaar werden 27.199 mensen vermoord, oftewel 24 per 100.000 inwoners. Het aantal moorden steeg vorig jaar met 5,6 procent in vergelijking met het jaar ervoor.

NatGeo: The United Kingdom's New Ufo Evidence [Video]

NatGeo: The United Kingdom's New Ufo Evidence [Video]


The existence of extraterrestrial life and even the presence of alien intelligence in the cosmos and even in our solar system, would have an extreme impact on our worldview and the foundations of science, filosophy and even theology would be immense. When entities from far of star-systems visit earth, it means that they had, intentionally, traveled from light-years away. In our conventional scientific paradigms, this is impossible. It violates our opinions on matter, energy, travel-speed and ethnocentric beliefs. Those visitors would possess technology far beyond our reach and comprehension. They even will be much more civilized and advanced/ Everything seems possible. This line of thought leads us away from the truth. Not that I know the truth, yet.
I strongly believe, that alien intelligence and visitations, as prescribed above, do not happen. I also think, that the evidence produced, all around the world, are no illusions, weather-balloons or swamp-gas. For me, I call them tendencies to exist. Holographic projections, secret war experiments and inter dimensional traffic are the possible explanations. If I would have the intention to create a new world order. I would distract the interested few by phenomena and events, that would channel their energy into wormholes or black-stars. In the meantime I would slowly implement a dictatorial, totalitarian mind frame, in which people out of ignorance and fear, would except total control. I would give them the idea, that nothing would change to the worst.
If alien intelligence exist I think that they are bad researchers, bad teachers, bad explorers and very bad communicators. They search for contact in most compromising circumstances with people, vulnerable to suggestion and open to alternative explanations.
What they say about our earth is obvious. Carl Sagan put forward an important question: How do we explain our behavior to a superior intelligence. This question is an important one. But superior intelligence does not exist in this way. We are on our own and we have to find our way, without the guidance of alien masters. Alien intelligence cannot play a role, because our universe is smaller and multi-dimensional. You could call it a prison. But who are the prison-guards?

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Full 2012) [Video]

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Full 2012) [Video]

Alternative 3 - Mars Coverup Exposed [Video]

Alternative 3 - Mars Coverup Exposed [Video]


zondag 19 augustus 2012

'Who Wants The Head Of Julian Assange?' [Marina Portnaya © RTAmerica] [Video]

'Who Wants The Head Of Julian Assange?' [Marina Portnaya © RTAmerica] [Video]

Unknown Creature Discovered In Africa 2012 [PHOTO] [Video]

Unknown Creature Discovered In Africa 2012 [PHOTO] [Video]

why kill? dM, SiTU

UFO Files: Histories Mysteries - Out Of This World [Video]

UFO Files: Histories Mysteries - Out Of This World [Video]

Onze toekomstige samenleving moet zelfvoorzienend worden.

Dit betekent bijvoorbeeld dat we onze eigen groenten moeten gaan verbouwen omdat we niet meer (geheel) afhankelijk van de aanvoer door supermarkten willen zijn en de eigen kwaliteit van ons voedsel en drinken willen bepalen.
Groente verbouwen. kun je in je eigen tuin doen, maar er zijn in de gemeente nog voldoende grotere plekken te vinden, die als stadsmoestuin zou kunnen worden gebruikt (hoek Zuiderhaven bijv. dat ligt al 10 jaar braak).

Ik denk, dat er vrijwilligers zijn te vinden, die hier hun schouders onder willen zetten; ik weet dat er scholen zijn, die hier het educatieve nut van inzien en ik weet zeker, dat er

deskundige tuinlieden zijn, die deze kans om hun kennis en ervaring over te dragen, met beide handen zullen aangrijpen. De producten kunnen naar de voedselbank.

Ook kleinere hoekjes kunnen worden gebruikt (bijvorbeeld voor kruiden) en groente kweken op het water is ontzettend hip. Ook afgedankte kassen zouden hiervoor kunnen worden gebruikt. Maatschappelijk belangrijker, vind ik, dan het parkeren van caravans en old-timers.
Fault Lines: Controlling the web
Fault Lines looks at the fight for control of the web, life in the digital age and the threat to cyber freedom, asking if US authorities are increasingly trying to regulate user freedoms in the name of national and economic security.

Pierre Piccinin - Israel To Attack Iran In August [Video]

Pierre Piccinin - Israel To Attack Iran In August [Video]

NASA unveils Mars rover Curiosity's travel plans

NASA unveils Mars rover Curiosity's travel plans:

NASA on Friday unveiled plans for its Mars rover Curiosity's first road trip, part of a two-year quest to determine if the planet most like Earth could ever have hosted microbial life, scientists said.


India and Russia to sign biggest-ever defence deal worth $ 35 billion

India and Russia to sign biggest-ever defence deal worth $ 35 billion:

India and Russia are all set to ink the full and final design or R&D phase contract for the 5th Gen fighter by this year-end or early-2013.

329 injured, 7 critical in ‘Gotmar Mela’ in Bhopal

329 injured, 7 critical in ‘Gotmar Mela’ in Bhopal:

As many as 329 people were injured, seven of them seriously, on Saturday during the traditional ‘Gotmar Mela’—a stone war between two neighbouring villages—at Pandurna in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh.

zaterdag 18 augustus 2012

US Deploys 'game-changer' Weapon To Afghanistan

US Deploys 'game-changer' Weapon To Afghanistan

Anonymizer 'anonymous Email' Owned By Trapwire's Cubic Corporation

Anonymizer 'anonymous Email' Owned By Trapwire's Cubic Corporation

UFO Hunters Die wahren Men in Black HD

Strong& amp; long leylines in the Netherlands & Belgium

Leylines roughly can be divided in weak, strong and very strong leylines. Especially the very strong leylines get very much attention, because of the very long distances they travel over the surface of our world. They connect the continents of this planet with each other. they are called world-leylines. They provide the Earth worldwide with very powerful energy. Where they cross each other, normally is a very strong leycentre.
Between these the strong leylines are situated which let the energies spread further. They connect the provinces, regions, and area's which each other, and spread the energy there. Where they cross each other strong leycentres are present. These leycentres determined for our ancestors the choice of location for their villages. They also situated their sacred sitesand defences on these powerplaces.
Between the strong and very strong leylines many many weak leylines can be found. They provide a further spread of the powerful energy and take care of the exchange of energies with the environment. Because of this system of leylines together with other types of energylines, the whole planet is provided with extra energy. They make our planet alive!

Ultimately there are leylines everywhere around our planet. The density of the leylines is high, almost every ten metres two or three leylines can be found. A huge part of them are weak leylines, and only a limited part is (very) strong. So it is impossible to draw a (practical) map of a region, province or country. For the Netherlands and Belgium we can show some strong leylines.

Strong leylines are:
· Leyline Clervaux - Wijnaldum (from Luxembourg to the north of the Netherlands)
· Leyline Stonehenge - Externsteine (from England through the south of the Netherlands to Germany)

There is also a website (in Dutch) about maps of long world-leylines, see for this: www.kunstgeografie.nl.

David Icke: Global Awakening / The Next Stage, David Talks About Wembley October 27th 2012 [Video]

David Icke: Global Awakening / The Next Stage, David Talks About Wembley October 27th 2012 [Video]

2012 - John Major Jenkins [Video]

2012 - John Major Jenkins [Video]

Frankrijk wil 'gecontroleerde' verandering in Syrië

De toekomst van Syrië vereist 'veel coördinatie en veel gesprekken met de Syrische oppositie', zei Fabius in Ankara, waar hij sprak met zijn Turkse collega Ahmet Davutoglu.
Syrië wordt verscheurd door een burgeroorlog tussen het regime en de oppositie. Er zijn ernstige zorgen over het tijdperk na president Bashar Assad, mede omdat de oppositie niet één geloofwaardige leider heeft.

Actie op Lowlands voor Pussy Riot

Op Lowlands is een handtekeningenactie gestart om steun te betuigen aan de veroordeelde Russische punkrockgroep Pussy Riot. Amnesty International, 3FM en VPRO 3voor12 hebben een petitie opgezet. De handtekeningen worden in de loop van volgende week aangeboden aan de Russische ambassade.
Drie leden van Pussy Riot werden vrijdag veroordeeld tot twee jaar cel voor vandalisme, gedreven door religieuze haat. Ze brachten in februari in de belangrijkste Russisch-orthodoxe kerk van Moskou een 'punkgebed' ten gehore brachten, gericht tegen de Russische presidentskandidaat Vladimir Poetin. Het hoofd van de kerk had opgeroepen op hem te stemmen.

„Situatie Zuid-Sudan alarmerend”      

UTRECHT – De situatie in onder meer de vluchtelingen­kampen in Zuid-Sudan is „alarmerend.” Zo dreigt een tekort aan voedsel en aan water.
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Dat maakte Luisterend Dienen vrijdag bekend. Het diaconale programma van de Protestantse Kerk en de GZB roept mensen op bij te dragen aan de noodhulp die wordt geboden door de organisaties Across Sudan en ACT (Action bij Churches Together).
Sinds Zuid-Sudan op 9 juli 2011 onafhankelijk werd, ziet het zich geconfronteerd met tienduizenden vluchtelingen. Meer dan 400.000 mensen trokken van Sudan naar Zuid-Sudan, met de wens zich daar te vestigen. De meesten van hen leven nog steeds in vluchtelingenkampen in onder andere de Upper Nile State en de Unity State. Daarnaast kent Zuid-Sudan meer dan 165.000 inheemse vluchtelingen.
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Door de enorme toename van het aantal vluchtelingen hebben hulporganisaties hebben „grote moeite met de situatie om te gaan”, aldus Luisterend Dienen.