maandag 31 augustus 2015


foto van Jan van den Hoff.



Op 21 mei 2014 werd de Wet Verbod Pelsdierhouderij door de rechter buiten werking gesteld. Uit onderzoek van Animal Rights blijkt dat sinds die dag vergunningen zijn afgegeven voor forse uitbreidingen op negentien nertsenfokkerijen in Nederland. Maar liefst 343.635 nertsen worden nu jaarlijks extra gefokt. Aanstaande donderdag 3 september vindt het hoger beroep plaats. Mocht staatssecretaris Dijksma haar gelijk halen, dan zijn alle uitbreidingen in één klap illegaal.

Een kleine groep vermogende nertsenfokkers maakt de dienst uit in Nederland. Zij breiden massaal uit, ondanks de wil van de regering en de bevolking om het fokken van nertsen voor bont te verbieden. Er staan in Nederland 204 megastallen met 6,9 miljoen gestreste nertsen in draadgazen kooien. Het gros van deze nertsen zal eind november worden vergast.


life has its share of beautiful moments


Student: “ The Master gave our class a visual about Mohendjo Daro in Pakistan, Master. It was a very interesting 4-D docu of the site.”

Master: “Mohendjo Daro, Death's Gate, is a very ancient place.”
Student: “ In a different cycle, a terrible battle was fought there, Rumors go, that atomic weapons were used, Master.”

Master: “ Not nuclear, my son, if they used those, nothing would be left, life just a shadow in the dessert.”

Student: “Master, what weapon was used. The effects were terrible, the area petrified and only 40 skeletons were found.”

Master: “ Mohendjo Daro was attacked by neutron-missiles and anti-matter projectiles.”

Student: “With what effects, Master?”

Master: “Annihilation of the defense. Neutron-weapons destroyed all life, mostly humans, and kept the buildings and the suspected loot undamaged.”

Student: “Master, I am glad, that this kind of science and knowledge is forgotten and has disappeared.”

Master: “Don't be so sure about that. I received a message from one of my contacts. Neutron-bombs are being used in Syria!”

foto van Jan van den Hoff.

'US had 31% of world's public mass shooters from 1966-2012'
'US had 31% of world's public mass shooters from 1966-2012'
A mourner bows her head in a moment of prayer during the burial service for Lance Cpl. Squire Wells, known as 'Skip,' on July 26, 2015, in Canton, Ga. (AP photo)

WASHINGTON: The US was the site of 31 per cent of the world's public mass shootings from 1966-2012, despite having only 5 per cent of the world's population, according to a new study.

According to a research by Adam Lankford, associate professor of criminal justice at The University of Alabama, a combination of American exceptionalism, American gun culture and stressors are potential factors in explaining the commonality of public mass shooters in the US.

Previous studies did not include statistics of offenders worldwide, a gap in research that has partly contributed to the assumption that mass shootings are an American problem, the study said.



Corporate Crime and the Plunder of Planet Earth

"Slavery is the legal fiction that a person is property."



Frightening Interactive Wildfire Map Shows That the West Is on Fire

Beste Verenigd Links,

Ik hoop dat dit alles goed met u gaat. Vorige maand kwamen 150 meelevende mensen vanuit alle hoeken van Europa samen in Pamplona, Spanje, voor een kleurrijke demonstartie om mensen te herinneren dat het Stierenrennen dat ieder jaar eindigt met de afranseling en bloederige dood van tientallen dieren. Veel mensen die de beelden van dronken toeristen bekijken, die door de drukke Spaanse straten rennen, krijgen nooit het geweld te zien dat plaasvindt in de stierenarena aan het einde van de marathon. Maar fotomateriaal van deze in het oogspringende demonstratie hebben opnieuw de aandacht gegrepen voor de wreedheid die inherent is aan stierenvechten en zal zeker de ogen van mensen openen met betrekking tot wat dit wrede spetakele daadwerkelijk inhoud en zorgt dat mensen het verwerpen.


Student: “Master Klaas taught us about ancient maps, Master.”

Master: “Interesting.”

Student: “I know Master, you are fascinated by old maps and documents, so I payed special attention to his lecture.”

Master: “You flatter me.”

Student: “Did you know, Master, that Columbus almost perished on his first voyage to the Americas.”

Master: “Please tell me.”

Student: “Columbus had gathered ancient maps and on some of them showed the coast of Africa, America and even the landmass of Antarctica, which is now covered in snow and ice.”

Master: “I heard of those. They once belonged to a Turkish admiral.”

Student: “Yes, Master, his name was Piri Reis. But the origin of the maps, Levant and Arabia, was the cause of an enormous miscalculation on part of Columbus. He calculated how much food, fresh water and supplies he needed for his crew. It was here, that he made a terrible mistake.”

Master: “I heard, that our great and famous navigator drew a map, on which the Americas were projected up side down.”

Student: “ That too, Master, but he calculated the journey much to optimistic. The maps he used were from the Orient. The mile, as a distance of measurement, in Arabia was much “longer”, than the mile used in Spain.”

Master: “So he became terribly short of fresh water and food.”

Student: “Yes, Master. Columbus crossed a point of no-return and could do nothing but sail on West. Not as the adventurous discoverer, but as a desperate captain, with a mutinous crew. Fortunately he found America just in time. Columbus, his ships and crew arrived angry and starving.”

Master: “There is an obvious lesson to be learned from this anecdote.”

Student: “Yes, Master, you flatter me.”

zondag 30 augustus 2015


Amerikaanse oefening Jade Helm loopt nog. Allerlei onheilstijdingen in september voorspeld. Aangestuurde chaos: Wallstreet gehackt en een kunstmatige crash leiden tot chaos en de verkondiging van de staat van beleg. Obama 4 ever.  2e Burgeroorlog en de VS verliest zijn rol als wereldmacht. Possible toch?
Op sleutelwoorden zijn we het eens. de toekomst wordt, als WIJ dat willen en wensen, GROEN, ZUIVER, INSPIREREND, DIERVRIENDELIJK, MULTIKULTI, OPEN. VEILIG EN SOLIDAIR. Maak hier je eigen sjabloon van en je kunt aan slag.

Verenigd Links, afdeling Harlingen.

Op sleutelwoorden zijn we het eens. de toekomst wordt, als WIJ dat willen en wensen, GROEN, ZUIVER, INSPIREREND, DIERVRIENDELIJK, MULTIKULTI, OPEN. VEILIG EN SOLIDAIR. Maak hier je eigen sjabloon van en je kunt aan slag. Verenigd Links, afdeling Harlingen.




Polish minister 99% sure Nazi gold train exists

Polish minister 99% sure Nazi gold train exists
Underground galeries of Nazi Germany "Riese" construction project under the Ksiaz castle in the area where the "Nazi gold train" is supposedly hidden underground in Walbrzych, Poland. (AFP photo)

WARSAW: Poland's deputy culture minister on Friday said he was 99 per cent sure of the existence of the alleged Nazi train that has set off a gold rush in the country.
Local media have for days been abuzz with old lore of trains full of gold and jewels stolen by the Nazis after two men — a German and a Pole — claimed to have found an armoured train car in the southwestern city of Walbrzych.

"I'm more than 99 per cent sure such a train exists, but the nature of its contents is unverifiable at the moment," deputy culture minister Piotr Zuchowski told reporters.
Zuchowski, who is also the national heritage conservation officer, said he saw "a good-quality ground-penetrating radar image" showing the armoured train carriage over 100 metres (330 feet) in length


Thousands of walruses are once again forced ashore due to rapidly melting Arctic sea ice. Photo credit: NOAA
Thousands of walruses are once again forced ashore due to rapidly melting Arctic sea ice.



Student: “Master, a cropcircle has appeared in Siberia!”

Master: “I am quite sure that is a hoax. Manmade and used as propaganda.”

Student: “Master, why are you so sure about that. I saw the pictures.”

Master: “Don't trust pictures. Cropcircles, genuine ones only appear in certain counties in Southern England. The first, primitive ones, appeared in the 1960's.”

Student: “But why there, Master. Is it a sacred places for aliens to communicate with mankind.”

Master: “It sure is a form of communication, but it is not alien or extra-terrestrial. No ufo's involved.”

Student: “Master, but who are sending those messages?”

Master: “ It are the survivors of an ancient cosmic war and they are restarting their machinery and weapons deep underground. I hope that they have learned, that the war is long over and that the people have completely forgotten about it.”

Student: “Did the Atlanteans win that war?”

Master: “No and I hope they remember that too.”



Student 1: “Do you know the difference, between a white and a black rhino?”

Student 2: “I really don't know, but I suppose that they differ in colour?”

Student 1: “You are wrong, there is hardly any difference. The both species almost look the same.”

Student 2: “But why do people call them this way. Even scientists talk about these animals them that way.”

Student 1: “Master Jian called language a form of mutual misunderstanding and he gave this as an example. The rhino is not white, but this species has wide lips, much bigger than those of the black rhinoceros. Who, by the way, is not black at all!”

Dear Avaazers,

This is the best idea ever.

You know the Amazon -- provides 20% of the planet's oxygen, 10% of our biodiversity, our best defence against climate change and home to unique indigenous peoples?

They're cutting it down, at the rate of over 16 football fields *in the time it takes to read this email*. No joke.

How do we stop it? Here's the idea -- the world's first, international, fully protected, incredibly massive, reserve park!! A million of us have already backed this idea -- and the Colombian government supports it! Now we just need to win Brazil. President Dilma's popularity is in the toilet right now, and she needs a crowd pleaser -- Brazilians love the Amazon, so insiders say she could go for it!

This park will be twice the size of *France*. It sounds like a dream, but we are within striking distance of winning -- one of the best things we ever did. But as soon as it gets close to a win, the ranching and mining lobbies will come hard at it with fistfuls of corrupt money. We need a full bells and whistles publicity campaign to get President Dilma behind this and quickly!

zaterdag 29 augustus 2015

VERENIGD LINKS, afdeling Harlingen steunt deze visie

Phallic-shaped church to get fig leaf

Phallic-shaped Christian Science Church

Officials from the Christian Science Church in Dixon, Illinois are upset after a satellite image from Google Maps began to go viral, showing their new church had a rather unusual shape.
Originally designed around an old oak tree, the design has provided a lot of laughs amongst online communities. But, no more! Representatives say they intend to give the building a "fig leaf" as soon as possible.
Student 1: “Dear friend, I took some extra classes, yesterday. Some were given by the Master himself.”
Student 2: “You were fortunate, my friend.”
Student 1: “ I surely was. The Master was clearly talking level 4, but I understood most of it.”
Student 2: “What was the Master talking about? He seems to be an excellent teacher, so I heard.”
Student 1: “He gave a lecture about early forms of communications and the translation of it. Egyption hieroglyphs, Mesopotamian tablets, Hebrew scrolls and other decoded messages.”
Student 2: “Complicated, complex stuff.”
Student 1: “In one way no. The Master argued and in a way proved, that the commonly accepted translations are all fake and fraudulent. “The result of ignorance, stupidity and manipulation.”
He said and that the existence of extra-terrestrials, like the Sumerian Anunnaki, were the result of forgery and manipulation of one man, the recently diseased, Secheria Sitchin.”
Student 2: “That is a provocation. Everybody writes about him and spreads his ideas.”
Student 1: “ The Master gave an example of a recently decoded extraterrestrial message, which have been a complete mis-interpretation.“
Student 2: “How was the message delivered?”
Student: “ Its a bizar story. Half a century ago, two American service-man had an ufo-encounter on an airforce-base in England. One of the touched the object and at that moment a message has been imprinted, that showed itself later in life. Penniston, retired then, wrote , compulsory, pages full of 1s and zero's. Nobody could solve this binairy riddle, untill recently. A special computerprgram was used, that gave the following result, I will write it down for you:


NORTH: 52 DEGREES, 09.42.532
WEST: 13 DEGREES, 13, 1269

STUDENT 2: “Those are map-coordinates.”
Student 1: “ Yes, they point to a place in the Atlantic Ocean, you only find on very old maps. It is called “Heigh Brasil” and it was the last surviving remnant of Atlantis; untill it fell too, at last.”

Student 2: “Did they drown as the rest of the Atlanteans?”
Student 1+: “The Master did not want to answer questions on that subject. He just said, that the island disappeared.”
Student 2: “Did the Master say something about the rest of the deciphered message?”
Student 1. “The Master said that the message was a clear example of denial and wishful thinking.”
Student 2: “How should the message be interpretated, according to him.”
Student 1. “The Master advised us to change the word EXPLORATION into EXPLOITATION and then read the message again.”

Vertoont Mark Rutte hufterig gedrag? Plak er maar een etiket op. Hij heeft niet de visie die Nederland nodig heeft en daarom moet, om te beginnen, de regering, de CvdK., leden van 1e en 2e kamer, Topambtenaren, leden van de Provinciale Staten (inclusief waterschappen) en burgemeesters worden vervangen meerendeels door vrouwen. Verenigd Links, afdeling Harlingen


Wij willen ons geld terug (doe mee!)

Student: “ Master Klaas gave us an imprint-session on classical weapons.”
Master: “Where did het tell you about? Bow and arrow, swords and daggers or atomic missiles?”
Student: “No Master, he did not.”
Master: “ Did he tell you of hugh catapults, canons or fighting elephants?”
Student: “No Master, he did not.”
Master: “I give it one more try. Did the Master talk about jet-fighters, battleships or poison?”
Student: “No Master, he did not.”
Master: “Well I don't know, please tell en enlighten me.”
Student: “Master, master Klaas told us about rockets, flying ships and destructive bombs. They were used in a war, a long, long time ago. A war that almost annihilated our planet. Earth bombarded itself and was bombarded from within our solar system. The marks are clear to be seen.”
Master: “And where do I have to look for?”
Student: “Master, you have to l
look for ancient vulcanoes. The caldera showes the places of impact. Earth was not hit by asteroids or meteorites; it was hit by projectiles and rockets from space.”

vrijdag 28 augustus 2015



incubatietijd (de)


tijd waarin een ziektekiem sluimerend aanwezig is




"Als er 42 dagen geen nieuwe besmetting wordt vastgesteld, mag Sierra Leone zich van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO officieel ebola-vrij noemen. Die 42 dagen staan gelijk aan twee keer de incubatietijd van ebola."
Bron: Sierra Leone is bijna ebola-vrij (NOS, 24 augustus 2015)


De incubatietijd is de periode waarin een ziekte(kiem) al sluimerend in een patiënt of in een gebied aanwezig is, maar zich nog niet heeft geopenbaard.
Het woord incubatie betekent eigenlijk 'het uitbroeden'; in de medische betekenis is dit woord figuurlijk gebruikt. Incubatie komt van het Latijnse incubatio, dat is afgeleid van incubare 'liggen op, zitten te broeden'. Dit werkwoord is gevormd uit het voorvoegsel in- in de betekenis 'op' en cubare 'liggen'.

Wie van de geschiedenis niets leert, is gedwongen om die te herhalen. SiTU


Don't come searching for us.

We will find You.


De omgeving van het rustige stadje is tot in de verre omtrek afgezet, wegen worden omgeleid en er is veel politie aanwezig.
Die vinden we terug in het stadje zelf.
Politie op de motor, mountainbike, in auto's en in patrouille-vaartuigen in de grachten en havens. Duikers, EHBO en ME staan paraat. Geüniformeerde agenten zijn prominent in het straatbeeld aanwezig; net als linten, dranghekken, pisbakken en fonkelnieuwe gebodsborden. Glaswerk is taboe en dranken moeten in plastic glazen worden geserveerd.
En om dit allemaal te completeren is er toezicht vanuit de lucht, d.m.v. vliegtuigen aangevuld met (onbemande) drones van Defensie. De drugscontroles in de haven en bij de veerboten zijn opgevoerd (operatie IBIZA).

U vraagt zich af, wat ik beschrijf?
Dit zijn de zichtbare controle- en beveiligingsmaatregelen in Harlingen, die blijkbaar nodig zijn om onze Visserijdagen in goede banen te leiden.
Ik vraag me af waar gemeente en politie rekening mee houden. Het moet wel iets enorms zijn, want anders is dit allemaal weggegooid geld!

Drs. Jan van den Hoff
voorzitter afdeling Harlingen
van Feriene Lofts/Verenigd Links

SOMEthing to THINK about

Recently I told you about scientific myths, lies with a deeper purpose. Lemmingen don't commit collective suicide. Humans do.
Another persistent myth is the statement, that when you put a frog in a bowl of water, it stays there even if you heat the water.
This is not true, the frog gets out of the water.
People don't.
When a driver is confronted by open fire, in a tunnel f.i., he or she stays in their automobiles. A safer feeling!

woensdag 26 augustus 2015


Maitreya Predictions

Student: “Master, do you think that planet Earth is a living organism?”

Master: “No, planet Earth is not an organism, but it is alive.”

Student: “Master, what do you mean by that?
The Earth is inter-connected, it moves, it shakes, it breathes and gives birth to life.”

Master: “Earth as a living organism is a concept. A metaphor, to be used as a startingpoint for your thinking and imagination.”

Student: “Master, you don't deny, that Earth is alive.”

Master: “Earth is alive, like an organ is alive. It is part of a larger system, you could call a living entity, of planets, stars, clouds, moons and meteorites.”

Student: “Master, is this system alive.”

Master: “It is alive, as a car is alive. Our solar system is, in fact, a giant spaceship.”

Student: “Master is the captain of the space-craft and his crew still alive?”

Master: “I surely hope so. They seem to be the only ones, that can save us.”